MKE Local


This community is limited to students from the Milwaukee Public School (MPS) system and charter schools within the MPS system. No course is associated with living in this community.

The MKE Local Community is for You If…

  • You are interested in connecting with other students from Milwaukee Public Schools.
  • You’d like support for the transition from high school to college.
  • You want to have a home away from home.


To establish and foster a community for MPS students. MKE Local allows students to gain life skills and focus on their academia with assistance from MKE Local staff. MKE Local focuses on the growth of individual students and the MPS community on campus. The main goal is to assist in the transition from high school to college, and essentially see each student’s individual pathway through to graduation.

Required Courses

None. There is no shared academic component to this community.


LLCs may be housed in a different University Housing Facility from year to year. Find out where this LLC is currently located, or will be located during the upcoming Academic Year, by visiting the Living Learning Communities page and clicking on the Community Choices section.

In Their Words

Taiyani Davis, LLC Former Stakeholder:
“I am excited for this experience for students. It is a way to gain a sense of community while being able to take advantage of the resources and staffing on campus to heighten student success on campus.”


Brennan O’Lena
Director – Student Success Center