Residential Cafés
University Housing hosts the residential dining plan on behalf of Dining and Retail Services. While operations of dining locations on campus are run by Dining and Retail Services, the Anytime Dining Plan is only offered within University Housing facilities, providing convenience of use to residential students on the plan. University Housing Contract holders who have also contracted an Anytime Dining Plan have access to all Residential Cafés in the Residence Halls regardless of their building assignment. Plan pricing information can be found at Anytime Dining. For information about hours, menus, special dietary needs, or to leave feedback, please visit the Dining and Retail Services website.
Residents are able to use Dining Dollars, PantherCa$h, or a credit card to purchase small convenience foods and items at Restor locations in Cambridge Commons and Sandburg Hall. The Restor is open a bit later than the Residential Cafés and offers frozen and boxed meals for those heading home from a late class.
To manage Dining Dollars and/or PantherCa$h, visit the PantherCard site.