The website privacy statement is intended to inform you of the information collected by this website, how that information is used, with whom it is shared, and your options for reviewing and restricting access to your personal information.

Please note that some individual University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee webpages may adopt different privacy practices. In such instances, the specific policies and practices governing that page will be described therein; however, in no case will any individual webpage have less stringent practices than those contained in this website privacy statement.

UWM solely collects data for purposes that serve the UWM’s academic, research, or administrative functions. 

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) collects and analyzes certain data from visitors to the domain. This data includes computer host names and IP addresses of all visitors. 

UWM uses Google Analytics to collect and analyze overall website usage. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect visitor session data and generate usage reports. The data does not include individual names, usernames, email addresses, or other personally identifiable information, except as described below. 

Requested web pages, visitor computer host names and visitor IP addresses are collected but are not associated with the names of individual visitors. 

UWM uses the data described above, whether collected directly or by Google Analytics, for purposes of site management, security, optimizing user experiences, and other administrative tasks. 

UWM may also collect personal information that visitors voluntarily submit, such as name, email address, postal address, phone number and other information for the purpose of providing information and services in response to individual requests. Personal information voluntarily submitted to UWM is only used for the purposes described when it is collected. 

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. UWM utilizes Google’s reCAPTCHA version 3 (v3) to mitigate abusive spamming of webforms by malicious bots. ReCAPTCHA v3 runs adaptive risk analysis in the background to provide a score with information collected about the user to differentiate human vs bot interactions without requiring a user response. Information that may be collected to provide an accurate score includes IP address, cookies, browser history/plugins, Google account information (if logged into a google account) and user behavior, such as scrolling, mouse movements, clicking on links, time spent completing forms, and typing patterns.

Except as described above, information collected by UWM is only released to third parties (organizations outside of UWM) when required by law (including, but not limited to, the Wisconsin Open Records Law) or court order, when necessary to protect the rights and property of UWM, or in urgent circumstances to protect the safety of individuals. 

This website contains links to other websites outside of the domain. UWM is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of external websites. 

Individuals may review their own personal data collected and/or processed by UWM and request corrections of the data if inaccuracies are found. These processes may be initiated by contacting one of the following: 

  • If the individual is a student or former student seeking their student records, by contacting the UWM Registrar
  • If the individual has voluntarily submitted data via a webform, by reaching out to the contact identified on that webform. 
  • If the individual is a research subject, by contacting the Primary Investigator (PI) for the research study or, if such individual is no longer available, by contacting UWM’s Institutional Research Board (IRB). 
  • If the individual is an employee or former employee seeking data related to their employment, by contacting the UWM Department of Human Resources (which may redirect the individual to the UW Human Resource/Shared Services or other entity as appropriate). 
  • For all other requests, by contacting the UWM Records Custodian

Though an individual/unit may be designated as the initial point of contact for this purpose, that entity may redirect the request as appropriate. 

If an individual seeks to correct data in UWM’s possession, the individual must contact the unit maintaining such data to initiate that request and must follow any procedures established by that unit for processing correction requests. 

Read UWM’s full privacy statement: