Residence Hall Waitlist Application

Thank you for your interest in living in the University Housing Residence Halls at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. We are currently fully occupied for the 2024-2025 Academic Year and have a wait list for those requesting a residence hall contract.

You may still complete an application below for a contract, which may be placed at the bottom of the current wait list; however, we encourage you to also continue searching for other housing options for the upcoming academic year. When/if bed space becomes available, staff will contact those on the wait list based on date and time of original approved request, with priority given to international students, out-of-state students, students who are otherwise homeless, students who are experiencing housing insecurity, students who have aged out of the foster system, and students with certain scholarships. If you would like assistance in securing off-campus housing, please visit the Off Campus Resource Center for rental listings, the preferred tenant program, and other helpful information.

*If you are looking to live in Kenilworth Square Apartments (junior status or above OR age 21 and older by September 1, 2024), please navigate to the Kenilworth Square Apartments Contract Request Form.

This application is not a binding agreement, but rather provides us your interest in potentially contracting for on-campus housing. It is not a contract and does not commit you to living in any UWM residence hall, nor does it guarantee a space.  If you would like to view the contract, you can download the 2024-25 Contract Language. Questions can be emailed to

Application: Residence Hall Housing

  • YYYY dash MM dash DD
  • Please use UWM email, if known.
  • Note: It is your responsibility to keep University Housing informed of your current address and telephone number. The information you provided in this application will be used for further communications.

    Questions regarding this application can be directed to:

    Phone: (414) 229-4065

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.