“Contract Cancellation” refers to the dissolution of a University Housing contract prior to its natural expiration. A standard cancellation is different than an early cancellation. Specifically, a standard cancellation occurs anytime the contract ends, between the contracts start date (date of assigned entry) and its end date. An early cancellation occurs between the date of signing the contract and the start date/assigned date of entry for the contract term.
Residents who will not return for Spring semester must vacate by the last day of the fall semester: for Residence Hall Residents – the last day of final exams; For Kenilworth Residents – December 31. Vacates after those dates may result in prorated Spring Semester charges.
Approved Reasons for Cancellation
In limited cases, standard contract cancellation occurs for an approved reason. Some examples of approved reasons are:
- graduation;
- assignment to a University-sponsored internship or other program which requires living outside of Milwaukee County; or
- withdrawal, transfer or being dismissed by the University.
Financial Difficulty
Lack of funds alone is not an acceptable basis for standard cancellation of your contract. Financial aid is available to those who qualify. You may still be eligible for Financial Aid even if there is no “need.” Standard cancellations for financial reasons may only be considered when you have experienced a significant change in your financial situation since the start of your contract (that is not otherwise rectified). Finances for the academic year should be considered prior to enrollment to the University and signing your University Housing contract. Late notices or inadequate notice from the Financial Aid Office are not grounds for approved cancellation. In review of cancellation requests for financial reasons, University Housing relies on the expertise of the Financial Aid Office to determine if you have a sufficient financial aid package to attend UWM.
Unhappiness with Residence Hall Life
Residence hall living is a new experience for most students and requires a certain amount of adjustment. If you have made a concerted effort to adjust to the residence hall environment and are still unhappy, a community change, such as a room/floor change, or a roommate or suite mate change is generally an effective remedy. If you continue to be unhappy, the Residence Life Coordinators are available to work with you on an individual basis to find a solution. This involves and requires your active participation.
Course Modality
The choice to take all course work online must be made prior to signing the University Housing contract. The election to move to all online course after the contract started would not be an approved cancellation reason.
Commuting/Living Off-Campus
The choice to commute from the home or live off-campus must be made prior to signing the University Housing contract.
Health Conditions
Even with medical documentation, most medical conditions DO NOT release you from the contract. Your medical care provider needs to document your medical condition and outline your specific needs. University Housing will work with you to manage or remove a particular problem. In review of health conditions, University Housing relies on the expertise of the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) who will review these types of situations and make a recommendation to University Housing.
Before you submit a Contract Cancellation request consider the following…
- Have you provided documentation supporting your reason for cancellation?
- Have you explored all your alternatives?
- Different roommate
- Moving to a different environment (room, suite, floor)
- Different study environment (library, hall/floor lounges, Union, etc.)
- Single room, if available
- Were you aware of the situation before you signed the contract?
- Have you provided enough information to allow for a complete understanding of your situation?
- Specific background information
- Have you demonstrated what significant change has occurred in your financial situation and action(s) taken to prevent contract cancellation?
- Have you met with your Financial Aid advisor?
- Have you explored Parent PLUS or alternative loan options?
- Have you provided sufficient figures regarding your financial picture/situation?
- Have you explored other financial alternatives?
- On- and off-campus job(s) status
- Investigated off-campus expenses (heat, water, cable, internet, travel, etc.)
- Review of personal expenses for possible reduction
- Have you worked with Restaurant Operations to address your dietary needs?
- Have you taken any responsibility to resolve or manage the situation?
- Talked with your roommate/suite mates about your concerns
- Talked with an RA or Residence Life Coordinator about your situation
- Explored University resources such as the Student Health and Wellness Center, Accessibility Resource Center, Academic Advisor, Financial Aid, etc.
If you must pursue a cancellation, please consult the cancellation checklist to learn about the procedure for terminating your contract.