Frequently Asked Questions

You signed a Contract to live in University Housing stating that you agreed to all the rules and regulations of University Housing. You were also emailed a Resident Handbook upon your move-in date which goes in to explicit detail of all of the policies. If you’d like a hard copy of the Resident Handbook, please visit the nearest Residence Life Office (RLO), located in Sandburg C120 and Cambridge CC144.

The RLO stands for the Residence Life Office which is located in C120 of Sandburg (across from the mailboxes) and CC144 in Cambridge Commons. The Residence Life Coordinators (RLCs), work out of the RLO and oversee all University Housing buildings including Cambridge Commons, Kenilworth Square Apartments, Purin Hall, RiverView Residence Hall and Sandburg Hall. These individuals supervise your Resident Assistants in addition to having other University responsibilities. The RLO also processes any incident reports that are written within University Housing. For the current University Housing Staff Directory, visit:

A student always has the right to schedule a meeting with their Residence Life Coordinator (RLC). If you were documented within University Housing you will be receiving a letter via email in the following business days. If after that letter is sent you still have questions or action on your part was required in the letter, please call or stop by the office so that we may assist you.

If you received a letter from the RLO, you, your roommate, or your suitemates, were documented by a University Housing staff member. It is possible that you were not present during the incident, but you are being informed of what happened and any follow up that is needed.

It is important that you comply with all letters from the RLO, in addition to other University offices. If you do not respond within a timely manner to letters sent to you, you may face additional sanctioning.

A Residence Life Coordinator (RLC) is available by appointment only and must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. To schedule an appointment with your RLC, visit University Housing Office, located in Sandburg C100, or contact our office at 414-229-4065. The University Housing office is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM-4:30 PM.

If you have an emergency, please contact Security personnel located at the Service Desk of each University Housing building. Phone numbers for each of the Service Desks are:

  • Cambridge Commons: (414) 251-7891
  • Kenilworth Square Apartments: (414) 229-0512
  • RiverView Residence Hall: (414) 251-8323
  • Sandburg Hall: (414) 229-6123


It is in your Resident Handbook that University Housing and USPS will deliver items to your mailbox, and it is your responsibility to regularly check it. If you are having difficulty with your lock combination, please see the Service Desk for assistance.

First, check to see that you are using Internet Explorer. If you do not have Internet Explorer please utilize a Computer Lab (there are labs located on the main floors of Cambridge Commons and RiverView, as well as the 3rd floor of Sandburg). Second, make sure that all of your pop-up blockers are disabled. If after that time you are still having difficulty, contact the Residence Life Office at (414) 229-5712.

Every year conflicts and disagreements may arise in your assigned room/suite. There is a detailed process in place to assist residents in such situations. A resident must first speak with their Resident Assistant so that the process can start. After that conversation, the Resident Assistant may refer a resident to a different person/place in the process.

*Special Note: If you are in fear of your immediate safety please contact the RLO during business hours or Security after hours so that you may be assisted.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232b; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of resident education records. Additional details can be found here.

In accordance with FERPA guidelines, University Housing administrators will not share any resident information, other than directory information, with anyone outside the University system. This includes, but is not limited to, information about a resident’s grades, behavioral history and action, health concerns, current whereabouts, and financial information. (If the person requesting information is a guarantor on the resident’s housing contract, certain financial information can be given.)

Exceptions to this Act, regardless of age, will be made in life-threatening situations. University administrators within the University system may decide to share information about residents on a need-to-know basis.

Residents who choose to waive their rights to privacy may complete a Student Information Release on their PAWS Account, under the Personal Information tab.