Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures serves students enrolled in the Architecture and Art History doctoral programs at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Madison campuses, respectively. It involves faculty members on both campuses with diverse research and teaching interests, including housing, urban and architectural history, cultural landscapes, urban and rural vernacular, and urban and architectural morphology.
For scholars examining the built environment, the object of analysis is also a work-site and an epistemological location. Central to the BLC pedagogy is a critical examination of the field as a location and a classroom, as well as an object of analysis. Engaging with the field thus takes on multiple forms in Buildings-Landscapes-Cultures scholarship. Fieldwork and research is done in the field, which is itself a site of empirical knowledge. The critical interpretation of the field as a political site is also central to our scholarship. The field is also a classroom and our teaching engages the field in reflexive ways.