Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year at SARUP.

This fall we welcome over 800 new and returning architecture and planning students to SARUP. We have a fantastic year ahead, with the Marcus Prize winner Tiantian Xu working with Assistant Professor Samantha Schuermann in the Marcus Prize studio in the spring semester.

We welcome new architecture faculty Adrienne Economos Miller, Adam Thibodeaux, and Aaron Tobey as Assistant Professors and Iris Xiaoxue Ma as Architecture Fellow in the Department of Architecture. We also congratulate Brian Schermer on promotion to Professor and Alex Timmer on promotion to Associate Professor with tenure. In Urban Planning we are excited to announce the creation of the new Center for Equity Practice and Planning Justice and are thankful for Professor Kirk Harris’ tremendous effort and work in setting up this new center.

This year we look forward to an outstanding class of incoming Masters of Urban Planning, Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Masters of Architecture, PhD in Architecture, and our growing Bachelor of Architecture program, now enrolled by a majority of our Freshman. Our programs are well positioned for continued success and investment in the design and planning of our built environment. With over 150 courses offered in Architecture and Urban Planning over the next academic year, our students will receive a comprehensive and diverse education second to none.

Thank you for being part of the SARUP learning community.

Acting Head of School
Kyle Reynolds