NOMA was founded in Detroit, Michigan, as an organization dedicated to the needs of minority design professionals and to improving the built environment. The first official meeting was held during the 1971 AIA National Convention in Detroit. Twelve African-American architects from different parts of the country met at the convention and realized the need for an organization of this type.
The founding architects were Wendell Campbell, Nelson Harris, William Brown, Robert Wilson, Robert Nash, Leroy Campbell, John S. Chase, Harold Williams, Kenneth Groggs, Jeh Johnson, D. Dodd, and E.H. McDowell. These architects wanted minority design professionals to work together to fight against discrimination and policies that condoned discrimination.
Student chapters (NOMAS) provide both a resource for information and a consortium for young designers. SARUP is proud to be home to a NOMAS Chapter.
For more information, visit the SARUP NOMAS webpage.
For more information about the National Organization of Minority Architects: