The design studio is an architecture student’s quintessential workplace. It is in the space where all creative work, stimulated by input from others, evolves and is continually evaluated. It is imperative that we maintain the vital spirit of this environment. Toward that end, in order to keep an atmosphere conducive to creative production, the following are the collective thoughts and desires of our community with regard to appropriate studio behavior.
The following disruptions to the student body will not be tolerated:
Sexual Harassment
University, Federal, and State Laws prohibit behavior which creates an uncomfortable or untenable atmosphere for women or men in the School. Since respecting the rights of others is important, any irresponsible behavior, inappropriate comments or activities which adversely affect members of the School, and any abuse of power will not be tolerated. This could include offensive posters and websites, certain types of music or humor, and any intimidating behavior.
Every member of the SARUP community has the right to pursue an education without harassment or discrimination of any kind, and as an equal to all others. The academic environment is enhanced and enriched by the mix of individuals from a variety of cultures, countries and backgrounds. Racial slurs, bad attitudes, and offensive jokes reflect poorly on the values of the School and/or the professions and cannot be tolerated.
Academic Misconduct
There are very concise regulations and rules set up by the University for Academic Misconduct. Instructors must follow precise procedures in bringing action against a student accused of misconduct. Sanctions may range from an oral reprimand to expulsion. Academic Misconduct is defined by the University as:
“… an action which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another without authorization or citation, uses unauthorized materials or fabricated data in any academic exercise, forges or falsifies academic documents or records, Intentionally impedes or damages the academic work of others, engages in conduct aimed at making false representation of a student’s academic performance, or assists other students in any of these acts.”
Cheating, Plagiarism and Unethical Use of Sources and Software
UWM disciplinary procedures will be used against those who are caught cheating or claiming the work of others as their own. This includes copying another person’s homework, accessing another’s computer files, claiming another’s work as your own, including tracings of existing drawings. Advancements in technology may add confusion to this issue. If in doubt, ask your instructor. Don’t allow the ease with which you can copy sections or sentences from electronic articles or other materials lull you into plagiary.
Turning in another person for cheating is never easy, even anonymously, but is preferable to ignoring and thus abetting the deception. All students must credit all work by others — in presentations and papers — including precedent images, technical information and other source material included in plots/papers/websites.
Make sure to distinguish your original production and thought from material created or provided by others. This is not only an essential practice to all scholarship but legally necessary when we republish the work in any form. This is a particularly good habit to start in school — when you enter the work force any improper quotation and referencing source material has even greater consequences. Also do not use or distribute pirated software! Not only is it also illegal, such practices undermine the value of those working in creative and technical professions (including architecture).
Never take or borrow property from other students without their knowledge. Care should be taken to safely secure all personal property. Remember to lock up all your valuables, including drawing equipment, tapes, laptops, and other personal belongings whenever you leave your desk, and always lock studio doors if the space is unattended. If any member of the school community is caught stealing, the appropriate authorities will take over and the University’s nonacademic misconduct procedures will be implemented. Remember that theft also includes removing all or part of books and magazines from the Resource Center or a library.
Smoking is prohibited throughout the building.
Conduct on University Lands
The University strives to create a positive, safe, and healthy environment for all of its students. Students are responsible for understanding and support of University policy and are expected to uphold and abide by the community standards established by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the UW System (UWS). Actions on any UWS campus designated as criminal and civil violations are listed in Chapter UWS 18 “Conduct on University Lands.” These rules cover a wide range of prohibited acts including both individual and group behavior on university property. Rules specific to theft, parking, vandalism, smoking, animals, keys, sound amplifying equipment, bicycles, skateboards, roller-skates, and rollerblades are clearly spelled out. For a complete listing of all policies documented in Chapter UWS 18, along with non-academic disciplinary procedures, obtain the booklet “Student Conduct Regulations and Disciplinary Procedures” from the first floor lobby of Mellencamp Hall or contact the Office of Student Life, Mellencamp 118.