The Innovative Cities Lecture Series
Water Conservation Policy Options for Cities presentation by Dr. Tracy Ann Boyer, Faculty at UW-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Science
Lecture Summary:
This presentation will provide an overview of differing approaches to water conservation and management for municipal water based on Dr. Boyer’s past research on water conservation in the Southern Midwest. It will suggest alternative pricing and non-priced policies and practices that are used in arid and semi-arid parts of the United States and how these applications could apply in Wisconsin.
Dr. Tracy Boyer is a Professor and Environmental Economist at the School of Freshwater Sciences at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee since 2018. She is currently working on examining recreational values in the Great Lakes and preferences for funding conservation and restoration of Great Lakes Parks and Areas of Concern. An environmental economist, Dr. Boyer was formerly an Associate Professor in Agricultural Economics at Oklahoma State University for 15 years. She holds a doctorate in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota focused on Environmental and Resource Economics and a Masters degree in public policy from the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. She conducts research in the areas of environmental and resource economics focusing on valuing water and water-based amenities, soil and water conservation, adaptation to climate change, and estimating market demand for food and agricultural products. She has extensive experience working with state, local, and federal natural resource agencies in water policy and teaching environmental and natural resource economics.
AICP-CM credits will be awarded.
Questions, comments?
All lectures are free and open to planners, students, staff, faculty, and friends of the University. Please contact Jennifer Tasse , Department of Urban Planning Project Assistant at