Time and Place
Opening night – April 20, 2018
Time: 5:30pm – 8:00pm
Location: 753 North 27th St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208
A Discussion on The Relationship between People & Architecture
UWM Studio 320 in conjunction with ZIP MKE
Most, though not all, architecture is made for people, so it is our goal in this studio to interrogate the active and passive relationships between architecture and people to see how we might be able to generate contemporary architectural products and sensibilities and respond to a diverse and expansive population with a range of perspectives, needs, and desires.
A specially curated exhibit from the ZIP MKE archive of 100 Milwaukee photos highlighting residents, architecture, and the relationship between the two in the 53208 zip code.
Exhibit will be available for viewing on Gallery Night and on Gallery Day from 10am – 4 pm, with a special panel discussion and Q&A with Allyson Nemec (Principal Architect at Quorum Architects), Bobby Tanzilo (Senior Editor/Writer at OnMilwaukee), and Karl Herschede (local architecture/landscape photographer) to begin at noon.
Community Component
Near West Side residents are encouraged to participate in the April exhibition, “People and Architecture.” Bring photos of people, architecture and the community to the Mobile Design
Box (753 N. 27th Street) on April 20 to display them in the exhibit.
- Environment: Skylines, parks and open spaces in the Near West Side.
- Architecture: Building designs, cityscapes and notable landmarks.
- People: Family, friends at home or at Westerville community events and gatherings.
- Community Life in the Near West Side: Education, volunteerism, celebrations, arts and culture.
- In a size no smaller than 5”x7”.
- All photos become the possession of the Mobile Design Box & Zip Mke.
A special pop-up vegan picnic will be available on Friday night hosted by Chef Claire with a portion of the proceeds going to the Near West Side Farmers Market. Only $15 each, tickets can be purchased in advance of the event at Event Brite. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vegan-pop-up-spring-picnic-tickets-43619627480