Time and Place

Location: Jim Shields Gallery of Architecture & Urbanism sponsored by HGA (AUP146) – UWM Campus – 2131 E Hartford Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53211


The exhibition Reimagining Water opened in the Shields Gallery at SARUP. This exhibition documents the positive impact of the 2022 Mellowes Masters Research Assistantship (MMRA) award collaboration between Professor James Wasley and Master of Architecture Candidate Fouzia Emon. The MMRA goal has been to build a database profiling green/blue infrastructure projects and contacts for cities of the Great Lakes Basin. This work has resulted in the two projects highlighted in the Reimagining Water exhibition:

Reimagining Water II: The Future of Blue-Green Infrastructure in the Great Lakes Basin
This international meeting of academics, professionals, and governmental officials seeking to promote innovative design was held at the University of Toronto September 29th–October 1st 2022, and funded by a grant from the Great Lakes Higher Education Consortium.

ARCH 650-850: Honey Creek Eco-District
This urban design studio on ecological waterscape design explored daylighting a section of Milwaukee’s buried Honey Creek Stream. A water-centric Eco-District is proposed for the 50-acre site.

For more information contact Architecture Chair Karl Wallick.