I’m excited to reach out to you today on behalf of the whole Phase III team at SARUP to invite you to our End-of-summer Open House on Friday, August 14 from 9:30 – noon.

The event is drop in/drop out science fair style that we will hold in a virtual collaboration space we have built on Discord, a video conferencing platform you may not have encountered yet. This space allows us to set up “rooms” that you will be able to wander freely to meet team members and discuss ongoing work such as:

  • Know Thyself: Our big, ambitious project to develop a new form of person-centered, machine-learning-enabled design analysis that gleans meaningful spatial and experiential information for project planning in environments for aging from indirect story-based conversations rooted in the TimeSlips creative communication method – and how we changed our plans in response to COVID.
  • Our interdisciplinary exploration with organizational dynamics expert Adam Seaman, to uncover the unique DNA of our group and what helps us thrive in collaboration.
  • The way we combined science fiction + design thinking to “start at the end,” imagining what the world might look like as a result of our work in the not-too-distant future.
  • Please let us know if you can attend using this RSVP and feel free to invite friends and colleagues to join, as well. In addition to a celebratory conclusion to the summer work period for our research team, this is an experiment in hosting a multi-room, conversational event that we warmly invite you to share with us.

    RSVP here and event links will be sent in advance.

    The Phase III Team
    Starting at top left: Rachael, Patrick, Miranda, Taylor, Steven, John and Trudy