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The Innovative Cities Lecture Series

Greener, Healthier Schools – Lessons Learned From 30 Urban Schoolyard Redevelopment Projects, Engaging Youth and Local Communities presentation by Justin Hegarty, P.E., LEED A.P., is an environmental engineer and executive director of the nonprofit Reflo – Sustainable Water Solutions

Lecture Summary:

The Milwaukee-based nonprofit Reflo will share insights gained over the past eight years of progressing high impact, urban green and healthy schoolyard redevelopment projects. Discussion will cover the multi-year redevelopment process spanning conceptual planning, fundraising, detailed design, construction, and maintenance and stewardship. Additional conversation includes how the community-based projects have meaningfully engaged youth through employment opportunities, local communities through outreach initiatives, and urban planning students through real world work experience.


Justin Hegarty, P.E., LEED A.P., is an environmental engineer and executive director of the nonprofit Reflo – Sustainable Water Solutions. Justin has a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Civil Engineering from UW-Milwaukee and environmental engineering masters work at Milwaukee School of Engineering. Along with co-founding Reflo in 2013, he has worked as an environmental consultant for 10 years working on green infrastructure, alternative energy, and brownfield remediation projects.

AICP-CM credits will be awarded.

Questions, comments?

All lectures are free and open to planners, students, staff, faculty, and friends of the University. Please contact Jennifer Tasse , Department of Urban Planning Project Assistant at