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The Innovative Cities Lecture Series
How Research Helps Address Milwaukee’s Housing Challenges presentation by Joe Peterangelo, Senior Researcher at the Wisconsin Policy Forum
Lecture Summary:
Milwaukee’s housing challenges have been a major focus of Joe Peterangelo’s work at the Wisconsin Policy Forum over the last several years. He has published reports aimed at understanding and addressing the city’s high rate of evictions and racial homeownership disparities and taken a close look at an effort to revitalize Milwaukee’s Amani neighborhood through a range of housing improvements. He has also broadly examined the affordable housing activities of the city of Milwaukee and other public and private sector organizations to identify opportunities to increase their collective impact. Joe will discuss this work and how it has been used by planners, policymakers, and civic leaders working to improve housing conditions in Milwaukee.
Joe Peterangelo is a senior researcher for the Wisconsin Policy Forum and has been with the organization since 2011. His research focuses on economic and workforce development, transportation, and housing issues in southeast Wisconsin and statewide. Before joining the Forum, Joe worked as a program coordinator for United Way of Dane County in Madison and completed a master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Joe also holds a bachelor’s degree in sustainable development from the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA.
AICP-CM credits will be awarded.
Questions, comments?
All lectures are free and open to planners, students, staff, faculty, and friends of the University. Please contact Jennifer Tasse , Department of Urban Planning Project Assistant at