GREEN BUILDING IN GERMANY: Frankfurt International Summer School Short Course
May 13-28, 2023
Professor James Wasley, UWM SARUP
IT’S FINALLY OFFICIAL! The Hessen State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts is sponsoring SARUP M.Arch students for a two week summer program at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt Germany, May 13- May 28, 2013. We will be working with other international students on a program focusing on Frankfurt and its surrounds. We will also travel to Uberlingen, Germany, to visit the internationally celebrated waterscapes designer Herbert Dreiseitl and view a full-size mockup of a public fountain that is being designed for a patron in Wisconsin.
I will be teaching the course, focusing on the topics of my current Green Building Seminar- adaptive reuse of industrial and other structures, alternative construction tech, and net-zero emissions buildings and urban design. The program will provide hotel rooms, local transit passes and some food free of charge. Your responsibility will be airfare to Germany, some food, and misc. expenses.
To receive funding, you are required to take and receive credit for a 3 credit course. Your choice is to enroll in the current seminar Arch. 790: Green Building in Germany, or work with me to set up a 3-credit directed research documenting your travels and the work done in Frankfurt (6 credits if needed for financial aid). The summer school option of a Comprehensive Studio has been cancelled.
Please contact Prof. Jim Wasley for more information.
Ten slots remain open. First come, first served.