This form is to be used for Cash Value Center (CVC) transactions only. This form is appropriate for the following situations:
- Report of a CVC issue or error (e.g. bill validator error);
- When you, the student, deposit money via the CVC to add funds to Panther Ca$h, but the added funds did not credit to the appropriate account.
This form is not for the following claims:
- Washer or Dryer malfunctions (instead, submit a work order at and request a refund at
- This includes machines that registered your payment but did not start, error codes, machines not completing the wash or dry cycles, washer doors that would not open, etc.
- Damage to personal belongings (instead, submit a claim ticket to WASH at or (800) 342-5932).
CVC Error Reporting and Refund Request Form
Problems with CVC transactions related to Panther Ca$h.