CVC Error and Refund Form

This form is to be used for Cash Value Center (CVC) transactions only. This form is appropriate for the following situations:

  1. Report of a CVC issue or error (e.g. bill validator error);
  2. When you, the student, deposit money via the CVC to add funds to Panther Ca$h, but the added funds did not credit to the appropriate account.

This form is not for the following claims:

  1. Washer or Dryer malfunctions (instead, submit a work order at and request a refund at
    1. This includes machines that registered your payment but did not start, error codes, machines not completing the wash or dry cycles, washer doors that would not open, etc.
  2. Damage to personal belongings (instead, submit a claim ticket to WASH at or (800) 342-5932).

CVC Error Reporting and Refund Request Form

Problems with CVC transactions related to Panther Ca$h.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :