Faculty and Staff Directory
- Data and Communications Specialist, Office of Clinical Experiences
- andersoc@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 371
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Cognitive & Developmental Science
- Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
- Program Director, School and Clinical Mental Health Counseling, MS
- autin@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 791
- Professor, Educational Psychology
- Director, Consulting Office for Research & Evaluation
- Director, Educational Statistics and Measurement MS/PhD
- azen@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 771
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Educational Statistics and Measurement
- Associate Professor, Administrative Leadership
- Department Chair, Administrative Leadership
- baldwic@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7620
- Enderis Hall 655
- Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
- bbales@uwm.edu
- 414-251-9010
- Enderis Hall 349
- Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, Exceptional Education, MS
- bartletm@uwm.edu
- 414-229-6914
- Enderis Hall 317
- Research Assessment Coordinator, Office of Charter Schools
- nmbeier@uwm.edu
- 414-229-7352
- Enderis Hall 229
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Cognitive & Developmental Science
- Clinical Experience Coordinator, Office of Clinical Experiences
- bierce@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 367
- Academic Advisor, CCEP Advising - Office of Student Services
- boldentc@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4721
- Northwest Quadrant D 3875
- Business Services Assistant Director, Office of Charter Schools
- dborders@uwm.edu
- 414-229-6406
- Enderis Hall 227
- Assistant Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, American Sign Language Studies
- brysch@uwm.edu
- 414-372-0595
- Enderis Hall 279
- CMSER Administrator, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research
- pbuhr@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7919
- Enderis Hall 265
- Senior Academic Advisor, CCEP Advising - Office of Student Services
- nclaas@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4721
- Northwest Quadrant D 3885
- Lecturer, Administrative Leadership
- University Housing Dir, University Housing
- acljones@uwm.edu
- 414-251-5203
- Sandburg Commons C134A
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Counseling Psychology
- lcoakley@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall
- Clinical Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, American Sign Language / English Interpreting
- psue@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 275
- Instructor, Teaching and Learning: Elementary Education
- emcutter@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 263
- Associate Dean and Head of School, School of Education in the College of Community Engagement and Professions
- Professor, Educational Psychology
- davis838@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7085
- Enderis Hall 595
- Senior Data Reporting Specialist, Office of Student Services
- ritafaye@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5766
- Enderis Hall 219
- Senior Academic Advisor, CCEP Advising - Office of Student Services
- deutsch@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8801
- Northwest Quadrant D 3945
- Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, Curriculum and Instruction, MS
- doerrste@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4523
- Enderis Hall 353
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Cognitive & Developmental Science
- Director, Institute for Urban Education
- Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
- levans@uwm.edu
- 414-229-7324
- Enderis Hall 395
- Professor, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- Program Director, Alternative Education Certificate Program
- rfarhin@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 523
- Academic Advisor, CCEP Advising - Office of Student Services
- fergu278@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4707
- Northwest Quadrant D 3863
- University Distinguished Professor, Educational Psychology
- Mary and Ted Kellner Endowed Chair of Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology
- Program Director, Counseling Psychology, PhD
- nadya@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8328
- Enderis Hall 773
- Lecturer, Administrative Leadership
- Associate Dean of Students, Dean of Students Office
- Instructor, American Sign Language / English Interpreting Program
- gengler2@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall
- Teaching Faculty II, Teaching and Learning
- giuntolc@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 271
- Assistant to the Head of School, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- anagamez@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5218
- Enderis Hall 579
- Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, Social Studies Education, Grades 4-12
- Program Director, Urban Education Doctoral Program
- hawkinj@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5971
- Enderis Hall 393
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: School Psychology
- Distinguished Lecturer and Teaching Faculty, Teaching and Learning
- ahessel@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4179
- Enderis Hall 315
- Affiliate Faculty, Administrative Leadership
- justin.hougham@wisc.edu
- Enderis Hall 629
- Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Director, Center for Math & Science Education Research
- huinker@uwm.edu
- 414-229-6646
- Enderis Hall 363
- Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, English as a Second Language Education
- Program Director, World Language Education
- josepht@uwm.edu
- 414-229-6667
- Enderis Hall 309
- Course Scheduling & Curriculum Development Support Specialist, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- kaczmarm@uwm.edu
- 414-229-6675
- Enderis Hall 579
- Recruitment and Scholarship Coordinator, Office of Student Services
- kaisermr@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 249
- Senior Academic Program Specialist, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- korinek@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5253
- Enderis Hall 589
- Graduate Program Admissions Coordinator, Office of Student Services
- kuhnzpa@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8536
- Enderis Hall 299
- Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
- Program Director, School Psychology MS/EdS
- kwonk@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 721
- Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
- slamborn@uwm.edu
- 414-251-5122
- Enderis Hall 755
- Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
- Program Director, Cognitive and Developmental Sciences MS/PhD
- lawson2@uwm.edu
- 414-251-5683
- Enderis Hall 777
- Teaching Faculty IV, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, English and Language Arts, 4-12 Education
- Interim Program Director, Reading Education
- kcmarver@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4190
- Enderis Hall 355
- WI FoRT Coordinator, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- Literacy Lecturer, Teaching and Learning
- Teaching Faculty I, Teaching and Learning
- marrakch@uwm.edu
- 414-285-1340
- Enderis Hall 267
- Clinical Associate Professor, Administrative Leadership
- minal@uwm.edu
- 414-251-5381
- Enderis Hall 653
- Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
- Department Chair, Educational Psychology
- nguyen39@uwm.edu
- 414-251-9394
- Enderis Hall 795
- Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology
- nikalje@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7057
- Enderis Hall 793
- Financial Specialist II, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- sosborne@uwm.edu
- 414-229-3024
- Enderis Hall 517
- Assistant Dean of Student Services, Office of Student Services
- pagejd@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4153
- Enderis Hall 213
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Educational Statistics and Measurement
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Educational Statistics and Measurement
- Director and Certification Officer, Office of Clinical Experiences
- peters19@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 369
- Associate Professor, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- kalyanir@uwm.edu
- 414-229-2587
- Enderis Hall 519
- Professor, Teaching and Learning
- Department Chair, Teaching and Learning
- nerice@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 375
- Clinical Experience and WIP Coordinator, Office of Clinical Experiences
- rice34@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 365
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Administrative Leadership
- Program Director, Educational Administration and Supervision
- Senior Academic Advisor, CCEP Advising - Office of Student Services
- kroosev@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4721
- Northwest Quadrant D 3890
- Associate Professor, Educational Psychology
- lrouse@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 729
- Assistant Dean of Finance, Office of the Dean
- russelj@uwm.edu
- 414-229-7006
- Enderis Hall 1019
- Associate Professor, Administrative Leadership
- Program Director, Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Administration
- salto@uwm.edu
- 414-251-5155
- Enderis Hall 621
- Associate Professor, Administrative Leadership
- Wm. Collins Kohler Chair, Institute for Systems Change and Peacebuilding
- sandym@uwm.edu
- 414-229-1173
- Enderis Hall 617
- Sign Language Interpreter, Teaching and Learning
- Associate Lecturer, Teaching and Learning
- theresas@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 273
- Professor, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- Department Chair, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- Program Director, Community Engagement and Education
- Program Director, Cultural Foundations of Community Engagement and Education
- schutz@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4150
- Enderis Hall 553
- Distinguished Lecturer, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, Science Education, Grades 4-12
- Program Director, Mathematics Education, Grades 4-12
- ni3@uwm.edu
- 414-460-0746
- Enderis Hall 386
- Teaching Faculty III, Teaching and Learning
- Program Director, Elementary and Middle Education, K-9
- serebin@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 333
- AEIP Program Instructor, American Sign Language English Interpreter Program (AEIP)
- Kellner Professor, Educational Psychology
- Program Director, School Psychology PhD
- Training Director, School Psychology EdS/PhD
- kstoiber@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 775
- Professor, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- swaminar@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 557
- Associate Professor, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- jtapia@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5261
- Enderis Hall 563
- Lecturer, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- bwtrager@uwm.edu
- 414-229-3161
- Student Union WG28
- Teaching Faculty III, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- atroiano@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4724
- Enderis Hall 529
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Counseling Psychology
- vandyk28@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall
- Clinical Associate Professor, Administrative Leadership
- lwallace@uwm.edu
- 414-251-8614
- Enderis Hall 623
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning
- wiggine@uwm.edu
- Enderis Hall 271
- Lecturer, Educational Policy and Community Studies
- avw@uwm.edu
- 414-229-7356
- Enderis Hall 549
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Cognitive and Developmental Sciences
- sachopp@uwm.edu
- 262-977-5959
- Enderis Hall
- Administrative Assistant II, Office of Academic Affairs: Teaching and Learning
- yang2469@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7856
- Enderis Hall 513
- Senior HR Business Partner, Office of the Dean
- yewlett@uwm.edu
- 414-229-2808
- Enderis Hall 1029 and Engelmann Hall 125
- Assistant Dean of Student Services, Student Services
- zahrt@uwm.edu
- 414-229-5421
- Northwest Quadrant D 3895
- PhD Student, Educational Psychology: Counseling Psychology
- bzeng@uwm.edu
- 262-307-6345
- Enderis Hall