Leah Rouse, Associate Professor in Educational Psychology.

Leah M. Rouse, PhD, LP, ABPP

  • Associate Professor, Educational Psychology

Leah M. Rouse, PhD, LP, ABPP is a board-certified Counseling Psychologist who works in the areas of trauma psychology, suicidology, and wellness issues that impact law enforcement, service members and veterans, cancer patients and survivors, and American Indian communities.

Dr. Rouse earned her PhD in Counseling Psychology from UW-Madison, and her MS in Educational Psychology-Community Counseling, BS in Criminal Justice, and BA in Spanish Language and Literature from UW-Milwaukee (UWM). She completed the ACT Leadership and Performance Coaching certification with Brown University. Her coaching practice emphasizes work with law enforcement, veterans, and performance artists. Prior to her career in psychology, Dr. Rouse served as a police officer in the Milwaukee Police Department and the Wisconsin State Capitol Police.

Dr. Rouse coordinates the Trauma-Informed Care Graduate Certificate Program, the School Counseling Master’s Program, and its Strong Fire Initiative Program. She is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and sits on the Commission on Ethic Minority Recruitment, Retention, and Training. She is a member of the following APA Divisions:

  • Div 10: Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
  • Div 17: Society of Counseling Psychology
  • Div 18: Psychologists in Public Service
  • Div 19: Society for Military Psychology
  • Div 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race
  • Div 56: Trauma Psychology

Other memberships include the International Coaching Federation and Society of Indian Psychologists.

Dr. Rouse has served as an ABPP Board Examiner/Interviewer, is a Consulting Editor and reviewer for the Journal Counseling Diversity and Ethic Minority Psychology.

Dr. Rouse is a two-time awardee of the UWM Distinguished Public Service Award (2020, 2014). She is a proud former Fellow of the Spirit of E.A.G.L.E.S., Mayo Clinic. Her awards while working in law enforcement with the City of Milwaukee Police Department include: 1993 Class ‘C’ Heroism Award (fire rescue); Meritorious Arrest 2 Counts (armed & masked robbery), Meritorious Service Award (Chief Philip Arreola), Meritorious Service Award (Mayor John O. Norquist, City of Milwaukee, WI), and the 1993 Annual Community Service Award- Law Enforcement, Fraternal Order of Eagles.


Wester, S. R., Arndt, D., Sedivy, S. K., & (Rouse) Arndt, L. (2010). Male police officers & stigma associated with counseling: The role of anticipated risk, anticipated benefit, & gender role conflict. Psychology of Men & Masculinity. 11(4), 286-302.

Rouse Arndt L. M., & Davis Stribling, A. R. (2011). Warrior Spirit: Soul Wound & Coping among American Indians in law enforcement. The Counseling Psychologist39(4), 527-569.

Charles, M. W. & Rouse Arndt, L. M. (2013). Gay- & Lesbian-Identified Law Enforcement Officers: Intersection of career & sexual identity. The Counseling Psychologist.

Rouse Arndt, L. M., Caskey, M., Fossum, J., Schmitt, N., Davis, A. R., Smith, S. S., Kenote, B., Strickland, R., & Waukau, J. (2013). Menominee Perspectives on Commercial & Sacred Tobacco Use. American Indian & Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 20(3), 1-22. doi: 10.5820/aian.2003.2013.1.

Smith, S. S., Rouse, L. M., Caskey, M., Fossum, J., Strickland, R., Culhane, J. K., & Waukau, J. (2014). Culturally tailored smoking cessation for adult American Indian smokers: A clinical trial. The Counseling Psychologist, 42(6), 852-886. doi: 10.1177/0011000014542601.

Rouse, L. M., Frey, R. A., López, M., Wohlers, H., Xiong, I., Llewellyn, K., Pinero, S., & Wester, R. (2015). Law Enforcement Suicide: Discerning Etiology through Psychological Autopsy. Police Quarterly.

Inman, A.G., Gerstein, L.H., Wang, Y.-F., Iwasaki, M., Gregerson, M., Rouse, L.M., Dingman, S., Ferreira, J.A, Watanabe-Muraoka, A, & Jacobs, S.C. (2019). Supporting disaster relief efforts internationally: A call to counseling psychologists. The Counseling Psychologist, (47)4, 630-657.


Rouse Arndt, L. (2014). American Indian Traditional Ways: Convergence & Divergence with Positive Psychology. (Chapter) Religion, Spirituality, & Positive Psychology. Springer Publishing.

Rouse, L. M. (2015). American Indians/Alaska Natives & the psychology of men & masculinity. In Handbook of Men & Masculinities. Y.J. Wong & S.R. Wester (Eds.). American Psychological Association.

Rouse, L.M. & Warrington, W. K., (in press). Identity, Resistance, and Resiliency in the Face of Oppression: A First Nations Perspective. In E. Hightower (Ed.) Native American Psychosocial Identity and Worldview. Cognilla.

Dwyer, A., Rouse, L.M., & Panter, H. (forthcoming 2023). Transgressing the binaries: the experiences of non-binary and genderqueer police officers. In R. Colvin, A. Dwyer, and S. Giwa, (Eds.). Q Policing: LGBTQ+ experiences, perspectives. and passions. Perspectives on Crime and Justice series. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press.

Doctoral Level

  • COUNS 814: Ethics
  • COUNS 917: Supervision and Consultation
  • COUNS: Practicum

Masters Level

  • COUNS 774: Trauma Counseling I
  • COUNS 775: Trauma Counseling II

UWM - Department of Public Instruction/WI - Menominee Indian Tribe of WI - Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, Strong Fire Initiative Training Program

Training Masters-level School Counselors placed in tribal communities:

  • 2022 Admitted Cohort of 3 Indigenous/American Indian Masters students
  • 2023 Admitted Cohort of 4 Indigenous/American Indian Masters students