Charter Schools
The Office of Charter Schools was established to implement state legislation authorizing the operation of charter schools and serves as the review and monitoring organization as defined by the legislation.
This webpage offers information about all aspects of our operation, presently operating UWM charter schools, charter school laws and regulations, and links to other charter school-related sites of potential interest. We are pleased that you have an interest in charter schools and hope that the office can provide the information you need.
For further information please refer to our 2023-24 Annual Report (PDF).
For information not provided by this web site or our annual report, please contact our office at 414-229-4682 or e-mail chartersch@uwm.edu.
For information on all charter schools in Wisconsin, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Charter Schools in Wisconsin.
Adrienne L. Woods, MS
Office of Charter Schools
Legislative Background
In 1997, the Wisconsin Legislature authorized the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee to grant charters in the City of Milwaukee under s. 118.40 (2r), Wis. Stats.
The Office of Charter Schools was created in 1999 within the School of Education to carry out the university’s responsibilities under federal and state charter laws. In the 2013 session of the Wisconsin Legislature, UWM’s chartering authority was expanded from the geographic boundaries of the City of Milwaukee only to a new boundary area defined as “only Milwaukee County and adjacent counties.” Under 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, the university was permitted statewide chartering authority effective July 15, 2015.
Office Overview
A Director, Business Services Assistant Director, and Assessment Coordinator staff the office. An Advisory Committee meets quarterly to advise the Director. An Application Review Committee meets annually to determine if applications will be recommended for charter status. An Evaluation Committee conducts a summative evaluation of each charter school and makes recommendations to the chancellor regarding charter renewal. Full job descriptions and committee charges are found by viewing the Job Descriptions/Committee Charges (PDF) information document. See the Committee Member Listing (PDF) for additional information.
The responsibility of the office is to:
- Grant charters to organizations, groups or individuals that demonstrate the capacity to operate high quality schools.
- Establish clear expectations for performance.
- Gather data necessary to ensure that expectations are met.
- Evaluate school progress.
- Take appropriate action to renew or non-renew charters based on a school’s performance in relation to expectations.
It is the University’s goal to identify strong charter applications that have a potential to improve the educational outcomes for students, especially students who do not have access to high quality or community desired educational options. As such, the Office will consider charter options for communities/school districts if one of the following exists:
- A district has at least one school that received “Fails to Meet Expectations” consistent with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Report Card data for at least two consecutive years. Consideration would only be given to prospectuses which target the grade levels of the district school(s) that Fails to Meet Expectations.
- A new or innovative program that presents educational options to address specific needs that are not being addressed within the district.
- An existing charter school in good standing with its current authorizer that is seeking to transfer its current charter contract to the Office.

University Involvement
It is the university’s responsibility to approve charter applications that have a high potential to improve the quality of education. The university does not intend to operate its own school system or to compete with school districts throughout the state.
The university has accepted the charge for authorizing charter schools in order to take advantage of the flexibility allowed charter schools to develop innovative programs that address the educational needs of children. The university is interested in new, creative programs that will add to the educational mosaic and help define the elements of successful programs.
The university firmly believes that there exists a knowledge base that can be used to redefine educational programs and opportunities for children who are considered at-risk (low achievement/poor attendance/potential dropout) in the current configuration of schooling. Thus, charter school efforts should be used to demonstrate effective instruction and document educational achievement for at-risk students.
State and federal law provides the general framework and the minimum requirements for the development of a charter school application. To become a university authorized charter school, applicants need to do much more than comply with the law. Applicants must provide evidence that the school, as envisioned, truly has the potential to create a high quality educational program with long-term viability.
Mission, Goals and Strategies
Complete Listing of Charter Schools
Resource Links
- woodsal@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4682
- Enderis Hall, 221
- dborders@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4682
- Enderis Hall, 227
- nmbeier@uwm.edu
- 414-229-4682
- Enderis Hall, 229
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
School of Education
Enderis Hall 221, 227, and 229
2400 E. Hartford Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Mailing Address
UWM Charter Schools
P.O. Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201-0413