Parking Rules and Regulations

There is no free parking on the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s main (Kenwood) campus. It is the responsibility of the motor vehicle operator to be aware of UWM parking regulations and to find legal parking space. Lack of legal space is not considered a valid excuse for parking illegally. Parking is enforced at all times 24 hours / 7 days a week, throughout the calendar year.

If you have questions, please contact Transportation Services by calling 414-229-4000 or emailing

    1. Authorization, Communication, and Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
      1. All provisions of Chapter 346 Wisconsin Statues (1975), entitled “Rules of the Road”, as applicable to highways and which are not inconsistent the specific provisions of these regulations, are hereby incorporated by reference and adopted for the regulation of all vehicular traffic, excluding bicycles, on all roads and driveways, including all off-street areas designated as parking facilities, under the control of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Said statutory provisions are intended to apply with the same force and effect. All traffic shall obey the posted signs approved by the Chancellor or his designee responsible for regulating such traffic.
      2. There is no free parking on campus. Parking is always enforced 24 hours / 7 days a week. The regulations are enforced throughout the calendar year, including recesses. Payment for parking is due on or prior to arrival on campus (except at gated garages where payment is required before leaving). There is no grace period before parking has been paid for or after the paid time has expired.
      3. Customers must read and obey all signage displayed in parking facilities. Not every parking space has a sign; in those circumstances, customers should check adjacent spaces for relevant signage. Signage may change occasionally without notice. Transportation Services may notify permit holders regarding changes if possible. Transportation Services will update digital maps if possible to inform customers, but changes to the physical signage typically predates changes to digital maps, and thus the customer should always follow the physical signage.
      4. The University uses license plate recognition (LPR) in place of physical permits to ensure vehicles are authorized to park on campus. At ungated garages and on surface lots, Transportation Services uses vehicle mounted cameras to scan license plates as valid permits and issue citations to vehicles without university permits. LPR may also be used elsewhere on campus for access management, enforcement, and security purposes. Other identifiers, such as the vehicle identification number, may be used to enforce parking rules if the license plate is not available.
      5. Customers are responsible for updating and regularly checking contact methods, such as email and mailing addresses, on file with Transportation Services. Transportation Services notifies customers about valuable information (including but not limited to permits and citations as well as access to university-funded and -provided transit services) through those contact methods. Email is the primary means that Transportation Services uses to communicate with customers. Customers can modify their contact information through the Transportation Services portal, in-person, or by calling 414-229-4000.
      6. Any person who falsifies or makes false representation of vehicle information, facts, or fees, shall have University parking and transit rights revoked at the discretion of Transportation Services and subject to published fines and penalties (such as a fraud on a parking lot citation). Students may be subject to disciplinary action through Student Affairs. Per UWS 18.08(8), no person may falsify, alter or duplicate or request the unauthorized falsification, alteration or duplication of any type of university parking permit. No person may knowingly display on a vehicle, or knowingly allow another person to display on a vehicle, a falsified, altered, duplicated, stolen, lost or found parking permit. No person may knowingly provide false information to any university employee or agent with the intent to obtain a valid university parking permit.
      7. University employees and affiliated contractors must pay for their parking or have parking validated by a UWM department. Contractors can purchase daily, weekly, and monthly K-Permits in advance online at the Parking Portal: Contractors should refer to rule 2.2.5 for information about where contractors (who typically have “K” permits) can park.
      8. Any refund issued by Transportation Services will have deductions for fees that UWM is charged by outside agencies.
    2. Damage and Theft Liability
      1. The University assumes no responsibility or liability for loss from theft or damage to vehicles operated or parked on campus. Vehicles exclude any mode of transportation approved to park on campus including but not limited to cars, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, etc. in accordance with State Statues 895.46 & 893.82, damages to personal vehicles while parked in a university lot or ramp are not covered by the University’s insurance unless the damage is a direct result of negligence. Damages that are not covered include equipment malfunctions, wind, vandalism, etcetera.
      2. Any damage outside of normal wear and tear to university equipment, spaces, or lots may be assessed to the person found at fault for the damage.
    3. Parking and Traffic Etiquette
      1. Parking is prohibited in yellow and white curb zones, no parking areas, bus zones, crosswalks, driveways, sidewalks, in front of fire hydrants and dumpsters, and other areas, as designated. Vehicles on official university business may receive permission from Transportation Services in extraordinary circumstances to park in no parking area, see rule 1.4 for more information.
      2. Emergency vehicles, fire lanes, building exits, entry gates, stairs and crosswalks shall not be obstructed at any time.
      3. Pedestrians shall be given the right-of-way at all crosswalks.
      4. Speed limit is 5 MPH in driveways and all parking areas.
      5. Vehicles cannot reverse into a parking space unless they have a license plate on the front of the vehicle. If not, vehicles must park with the rear of the vehicle facing out. Violators will be ticketed. The exception to this regulation is the four gated garages on the University’s main campus: Union, Lubar, Northwest Quadrant (NWQ), and Pavilion.
      6. Vehicles must be parked within stall markings or between brackets.
      7. No person shall conduct vehicle repairs in a University space. Exceptions may be issued for emergency roadside repairs to allow the vehicle to stay in the space. Permission must be obtained from Transportation Services, and payment/permit is required.
      8. Customers can use zone 59000 on Parkmobile to park in a time-limited parking space or in a loading dock area. Customers cannot park in the loading dock area for longer than thirty (30) minutes and must obey all signage (such as no parking zones). Permission from Transportation Services is required to park in loading docks. Students are not allowed to park in the loading docks unless given explicit permission from Transportation Services.
    4. Vehicles on Sidewalks and Hardscape
      • The general safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors as well as the overall appearance and first impression of campus grounds are very important to the University community and to its academic mission. For purposes of this policy, Hardscape shall mean any non-parking lot paved areas, driveways, walkways, and any other landscaping made up of hard-wearing materials such as wood, stone, concrete, asphalt, pavers, light poles, etc. For purposes of this policy, Softscape refers to the live horticultural elements of the landscape including lawns, planting beds, mulched areas, etc. To that end, the following rules apply to any vehicle that has a legitimate business need to temporarily park on campus sidewalks and hardscape.
      1. All vehicles require a K Permit or a Work Vehicle Permit in addition to express authorization from Transportation Services to park on Hardscape. All permits are tied to the vehicle’s license plate. Failure to update Transportation Services with the latest vehicle information may result in a citation.
      2. Except as specifically required to install, repair, maintain, or replace Hardscape or Softscape, or as specifically authorized for legitimate University business pursuant to this policy, driving or parking on Softscape is prohibited at all times.
      3. Any non University-owned or -leased vehicle that parks on Hardscape or Softscape without permission from Transportation Services and a K Permit or Work Vehicle Permit are subject to a citation and possible towing.
      4. ADA access on sidewalks must be maintained at all times.
      5. Motorcycles and powered scooters are not eligible for a K Permit or a Work Vehicle permit.
    1. Contract Holder Rights and Responsibilities
      1. All vehicles and their license plate(s) must be registered when purchasing a parking permit, including the U-PARK (Capitol & Humboldt Park & Ride) permit. It is the customer’s responsibility to update any changes to their vehicle(s). Vehicles must be attached to a permit if added after purchase of the permit. Enforcement is done by license plate; failure to update a vehicle(s) is not grounds for a valid appeal. Customers should remove vehicles if they are no longer used by a customer.
      2. Customers are limited to one vehicle per parking permit on University property at any particular time. Customers may register multiple plates under their account, but only one vehicle linked to the permit is allowed on University property at one time. Faculty/staff can register up to two (2) vehicles on a permit; other customers, including students, are limited to just one (1) vehicle per permit. Motorcycle and mopeds cannot be combined with cars and trucks on a permit. There are separate parking areas and separate permits for motorcycles and mopeds. Any additional vehicles linked to the permit on campus must pay for their parking. Failure to do so will result in a violation.
      3. Parking permits are valid only at one facility only unless otherwise specified. It is the customer’s responsibility to park in their designated location and obey related rules. Check receipt or account if unsure regarding chosen parking lot. Customers with main campus permits are eligible for special parking privileges between 4:00 PM and 2:00 AM on weekdays and from 5:00 AM to 2:00 AM on weekends; see rule 2.1.5 for more information.
      4. Each customer must have a physical PantherCard to fully use transit and parking services. Customers with permits for Lubar, NWQ, Pavilion, and Union Garages need to have a PantherCard to access their designated parking facility in case the vehicle license plate is not recognized by the camera; customers should scan it against the silver keypad. Permit holders should press the help button (silver assistance button) at the entry/exit machine to raise the gate. Transportation Services may be able to provide an access card to permit and debit card account holders in certain circumstances. Digital student IDs, such as the GET mobile app, are not supported by Transportation Services. Prowl Line, student bus, and other services at UWM depend on a physical PantherCard.
      5. Most main (Kenwood) campus parking permit holders, including those with Cambridge, Kenilworth, and Riverview permits, can park in outdoor lots at the main campus between 4 pm and 2 am on weekdays and all-day on weekends. Customers cannot park in garages and must obey all other parking regulations and signage (such as for accessible spaces, etc.). Customers with U-PARK (Capitol & Humboldt Park & Ride), and Waukesha Campus permits are not eligible.
      6. Cambridge Commons garage permit holders must display their hangtag on the rear view of their vehicle. Your vehicle’s license plate is not sufficient to verify their authorization to park at the garage. The hangtag is unique to each student permit holder to identify permit holders from other parkers.
    2. Contract Limitations and Conditions
      1. Transportation Services may allocate parking privileges in lots to more persons than there are spaces. The oversell is based on the University’s experience with the use of each lot. The University attempts to guarantee a parking space in the assigned lot. Nevertheless, relocation may occasionally be required. If there is no legal parking space, contact Transportation Services for assistance. Inability to locate a legal parking space in a desired area is not considered a valid reason for failure to comply with these regulations.
      2. Transportation Services reserves the right to close any parking area or facility for University purposes, including but not limited to construction, maintenance or safety issues. Advanced notice will be given when practical. No refunds or special accommodations are guaranteed to permit holders. Permit holders may be relocated at any time. The University reserves the right to cancel a permit; advanced notice will be given if possible.
      3. Transportation Services has the right to reserve any parking area or facility for event parking on campus. Parking may be sold in advance or at the lot entrance on a first come basis. Permit holders will be notified in advance of lot closures, whenever possible. Permit holders may be relocated at any time.
      4. Parking permits for the main campus, including but not limited to U-PARK (Capitol & Humboldt Park & Ride), Kenilworth, Cambridge, and RiverView, are not valid at branch campuses (Waukesha). Branch campus parking permits are not valid at any main campus location, including U-PARK, Kenilworth, Cambridge, and RiverView.
      5. Permits (including contractor, or “K” permits, and all access permits) do not allow parking in certain spaces, such as Chancellor’s spaces, accessible spaces, spaces reserved for events/guests, or pick-up/drop-off areas (including the Lubar, Union, and Sandburg circle driveways). Parking in loading docks (such as near Lubar) is allowed in designated UWM Work Vehicle spaces. Check signage for which spaces allow parking with your permit. If still unsure, contact Transportation Services for more information.
      6. Every University-owned and -leased (or “fleet”) vehicle typically has an all-access permit (paid by the responsible department). Fleet vehicles can park in reserved as well as non-reserved spaces. They cannot park in specially designated spaces, such as Chancellor’s spaces, accessible spaces, and spaces reserved for events/guests. Certain fleet vehicles have a permit that is only valid at one parking facility as determined by the department and Transportation Services.
      7. Overnight parking is permitted only for vehicles with University-issued resident overnight permits, third-shift, or other designated permits in areas designated for their use, which is 2:00 AM – 5:00 AM. If overnight parking is required, Sandburg and Kenilworth garages do allow visitor overnight parking for a fee.
    3. Contract Sales, Renewals, and Cancellations
      1. Parking permits are typically sold on a first-come, first-serve basis unless otherwise noted. Transportation Services has the ability to determine and modify the eligibility of customers to purchase permits. If possible, Transportation Services may reserve permits for renewing customers before other customers can purchase in certain circumstances.
      2. If a permit or facility is sold out, Transportation Services may establish waitlists for said permit or facility. Transportation Services determines the eligibility of customers to join a waitlist and set priority of customers within the list. When a permit or space is awarded on a waitlist, a customer has two (2) business days to contact Transportation Services to purchase the reserved permit. (Transportation Services reserves the right to reduce or extend this timeframe.) If the customer does not contact Transportation Services to purchase a permit, their place on the waitlist is waived. Transportation Services may also override waitlist eligibility at any time for any reason.
      3. Payroll deductions usually begin after the purchase of permits and bus passes, not after the start of the permit. By allowing payroll deductions to start immediately, we are able to minimize the amount an employee pays per check. As a result, some employees may pre-pay for a portion or all of their payroll deduction; any amount overpaid is subject to refund on cancellation of the permit. Transportation Services reserves the right to choose a different start date for payroll deductions.
      4. Parking permits and bus passes do not automatically renew. It is the customer’s responsibility to purchase permits and passes as needed. Availability of permits at time of renewal is not guaranteed. The expiration date for each permit is listed in the customer’s receipt and account. It is the responsibility of the customer to know the start and end dates of their parking permits: parking before the start of a permit or after it expires would result in a citation; failure to know when a permit is valid is not sufficient grounds for an appeal. As a courtesy, customers will receive a generic email from informing them that their permit will expire a few days before their permit’s expiration.
      5. Balances for parking and transit services owed are the responsibility of the permit holder/parker even if the individual is no longer employed by or attends the University. Payroll deductions will not stop until the owed balance is collected. If there is a balance owed after payroll deduction is stopped, it is the individual’s responsibility to pay the remaining balance. Failure to do so could result in extra fees and charges including collection agencies. Students may have their ability to register for classes suspended. If Transportation Services does not receive a cancellation notice prior to the contract end date, the permit holder is responsible for the charges that accrue until the contract end date.
      6. Payroll Deduction Cancellations: It is the responsibility of the employee to cancel their payroll deduction. If you have a payroll deductible permit and cancel, your cancellation is prorated forward to the 15th of the month or the end of the calendar month dependent on the date of cancellation. Permit cancellations must be made in writing including payroll deductions. (See rule 2.3.7 for permits and passes not paid with a payroll deduction.) Transit deductions are prorated to the final day of the month per Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) policies.
      7. Non-Payroll Deduction Cancellations (e.g., permits paid with credit/debit card, check, etc.): Any permit cancelled prior to the start date of the permit will receive a full refund minus a processing fee. Any semester permit cancelled by the last day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses may receive a prorated return minus a processing fee. Semester permits cancelled after the last day to drop or withdraw from full-term courses will not receive a refund. Cancellation requests for annual permits must be received no later than the drop or withdrawal deadline of the Spring semester to qualify for a refund. Monthly, weekly, and daily permits will not be refunded after the effective date commences. (See rule 2.3.6 for permits and passes paid with a payroll deduction.)
      8. No refunds are given for U-PARK (Capitol & Humboldt Park & Ride) parking, including permits, daily passes, and hourly payments.
      9. Transportation Services may allow for faculty/staff members who are enrolled in payroll deduction to pause their permits for up to 30 days. This is only usable once during the parking year (June through May of the following year). Customers must contact Transportation Services to arrange this in advance.
    1. Transient Parking Rules and Regulations
      1. Barriers and gate arms are present in University parking facilities to restrict unauthorized access. An open gate arm is not an invitation for unauthorized parking. If a gate arm mechanism is not operating properly, report it immediately to the Transportation Services. Usually, this can be done by pressing the help button on a gate machine or pay station; otherwise, please call 414-229-4000 or email Unauthorized removal or damage of a gate arm will result in the issuance of a citation, disciplinary action, and restitution. Transportation Services may make exceptions on a very limited basis, such as for certain official holidays.
      2. For outdoor lots and ungated garages, parking must be paid before or immediately on arriving in said facility. There is no grace period after your arrival, and Transportation Services cannot grant refunds for overpayment or unused time that has been paid for. There are several payment options: pay stations/meters, multiple contactless payment providers, payment over phone call and text, and, for permits, the Parking Portal. (Not all of the options are available in every lot all the time.) If one payment provider is unavailable, you must use one of the alternative options presented above. It is the customer’s responsibility to verify that vehicle license plate was correctly entered and payment was accepted through payment provider or method. Printed or emailed receipts are available through payment providers; you do not need to display your receipt with your vehicle, but it is recommended to keep your receipt for at least twenty-one (21) days as a record of payment in case of appeal. Customers may use a variety of payment methods that fit their needs, such as starting a session via a pay station, and extending time via website. ParkMobile, Passport, or PayByPhone are the currently supported mobile payment vendors on campus.
      3. Observe regulations posted on signs. All metered parking is limited to the maximum amount of time posted on the sign. Exceeding the time results in the vehicle being subject to multiple enforcement actions. If the meter is out-of-order, notify the Transportation Services office. Failure to pay at another meter is grounds for a citation. Parkers can also pay by calling phone numbers listed on signage or using contactless payment providers, such as ParkMobile, Passport, or PayByPhone. Most spaces reserved for permit holders are open to transient non-permit parkers after 3 pm on weekdays and anytime on weekends, but check signage to verify the space is eligible. Payment or validation is required at all times.
      4. When using pay stations or contactless payment options such as ParkMobile, Passport, or PayByPhone, the zone and license plate number must be correct. Failure to verify this information before starting a parking session is not grounds for a valid appeal. Customer should verify that payment was accepted. It is the customer’s responsibility to verify that vehicle license plate was correctly entered and payment was accepted through payment provider or method. Printed or emailed receipts are available through payment providers; you do not need to display your receipt with your vehicle, but it is recommended to keep your receipt for at least twenty-one (21) days as a record of payment in case of appeal.
      5. There is no grace period once the paid parking time expires. Unpaid vehicles may receive citations on their windshield, through email, or mail.
      6. Exact change must be given at surface lots and ungated garages. No refunds are given by Transportation Services for overpayment.
      7. Customers who do not have funds to cover the parking fee at a gated garage (Lubar, NWQ, Pavilion, and Union) are eligible for a patron short. The customer must pay the parking fee within three (3) days plus a $5 convenience charge.
      8. Transportation Services is not responsible for cases where a customer’s form(s) of payment or ticket is not accepted, and the customer will be issued a patron short in those situations. There is no convenience fee if paid within three (3) days.
      9. Customers who lose their parking ticket in gated garages (Lubar, NWQ, Pavilion, or Union) must pay a lost ticket fee of no less than $25. Payment is required on or before exiting garage. Once paid, it is not refundable.
    2. Contactless Payment Services
      1. The customer is responsible for ensuring there is an active connection (Wi-Fi, cellular data, etc.) to their electronic device when making payments via mobile or web payment services, such as ParkMobile, Passport, or PayByPhone. Parking sessions must be started and stopped properly and if there are any issues, they should be reported directly to ParkMobile, Passport, or PayByPhone support.
      2. Contactless payment services such as ParkMobile, Passport, and PayByPhone may charge a processing fee for credit and debit card transactions.
      3. Customers can get thirty (30) minutes of free parking through Parkmobile at the following time periods: (1) between 12:00 AM and 4:59 AM on weekdays, (2) between 8:00 PM and 11:59 PM on weekdays, and (3) between 5:00 AM and 2:00 AM on weekends. The customer must select 30 minutes of parking; choosing another length of time (such as one hour) would result in a paid transaction. This promotion is eligible only at surface lots. Other parking restrictions as described in signage and regulations still apply.
    3. Departmental Validations
      1. Departments must have a validations account (funding string) on file with Transportation Services to request validations. Each validations account is unique to a certain funding string. Departments must notify Transportation Services if the funding string has changed.
      2. It is the responsibility of departments to review charges for departmental validations, vehicle rentals, and other services provided by Transportation Services. Notices are sent out monthly.
      3. It is the responsibility of departments to notify Transportation Services regarding which employees have access to validations software, such as Amano ONE, and whether any individual should have their access revoked or modified. Departments remain responsible for charges incurred by those employees if the department did not request their access to be revoked or modified.
      4. Spaces on surface lots with the adjacent signage being covered by a bag are reserved for individuals on University business. Individuals who are authorized to park in those spaces would have received authorization from Transportation Services through the sponsoring department. If not authorized to park in a space, the violating customer may receive a citation.
      5. Departments are responsible for relaying parking instructions to their guests in accordance with Transportation Services regulations. Departments should confer with Transportation Services regarding their guest parking, especially for large events of more than 10 people. Failure to provide proper parking instructions or otherwise abide by Transportation Services regulations may result in a citation being issued to guests.
      6. Guests of UWM departments are responsible for following parking instructions provided by the department. If a guest does not adhere to the instructions provided by the department, they may receive a citation. The guest is responsible for paying the citation.
    1. Customers who want to park in an accessible (ADA) parking space must have a disabled parking identification card (“DIS ID”, also known as a “hangtag” or a “placard”) from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation or another state. A DIS ID does not entitle the holder to free parking on campus. A University permit or another form of payment (at a pay station, through mobile app, website, etc.) is also required to park on campus. DIS ID hangtag must be displayed on dash or rear.
    2. Vehicles with an accessible (ADA) permit, including hourly or transient permits, must park in a designated accessible parking space. The disabled parking identification card, or hangtag, must be displayed on dash or rear. If all accessible parking spaces are full, customer may park in a non-ADA space (excluding specially designated spaces, such as reserved permit spaces, Chancellor’s parking spaces, spaces reserved for events/guests, or loading/drop-off areas, including Lubar Circle Drive, Union Circle Drive, etc.).
    3. Transportation Services may issue temporary accessible (ADA) parking passes to customers who are in the process of applying for a disabled parking identification card from the Department of Transportation. Customer must supply a copy of the application form signed by a licensed health specialist (as designated by the DOT). Payment is required either over the phone or in-person. Temporary ADA permits are permissible for up to two weeks.
    4. Discounted hourly rates may be available to customers with a disabled parking identification card (“DIS ID”) at certain parking facilities. Instructions for utilizing such rates if available are located on signage adjacent to an accessible parking space. Any vehicle that does not have a DIS ID and uses the discounted rate is subject to the penalties described in 4.5.
    5. Any vehicle parked in an accessible (ADA) space without the proper permit and without displaying disabled parking identification card (as issued by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation or another state) is subject to a fine of at least $210 plus immediate tow.
    6. A residential (overnight) permit for a garage on UWM’s main campus (NWQ, Pavilion, or Sandburg Garages) allow customers with a disabled parking identification card (“DIS ID”) to park accessible (ADA) parking spaces on the UWM Main Campus (such as Lot 1 Library/Garland and other surface lots). A residential (overnight) permit for Cambridge, Kenilworth, or RiverView Garages does not allow parking at ADA spaces on the main campus.
    1. Citation Violation Types
      1. Citations may be issued for not paying for parking, improper parking, parking in a no parking zone, and other issues not enumerated in this list.
      2. Vehicles with no license plates or obscured vehicle identification numbers are subject to ticketing and towing.
      3. Any vehicles exiting a parking garage without payment are subject to a fraudulent parking citation of at least $210 plus (the maximum daily parking fee) for that garage and a ($5 insufficient funds fee). Ex: tailgating, breaking through gate arm, etc.
      4. Vehicles with temporary license plates must have their temporary license plate paper visible from the rear view window. If not visible or readable by the enforcement officer, it will result in a citation.
    2. Responsibility for Citations
      1. The registered owner, and/or permit-holder, and/or operator, is responsible for all violations attached to the vehicle and is thus subject to any and all penalties resulting from these violations.
      2. Vehicles found in violation may receive initial citation notifications attached to their vehicle (such as on their windshield), through email, or by mail. Additional notifications may be mailed or emailed to the responsible customer.
      3. Any person avoiding payment of required parking fee or in violation of University Parking Regulations is subject to penalties and forfeitures described under Penalties (5.4).
      4. The University Police will not honor calls requesting that vehicles parked without permits be exempt from parking citations.
    3. Citation Appeals
      1. Citations must be appealed within fifteen (15) days of issuance. If the appeal is received after this deadline, the citation may, at Transportation Services’ sole discretion, be upheld. An appeal will be reviewed within seven (7) to ten (10) days of submission, and a written judgment will be emailed to the customer. No fines will accrue while a citation is under appeal.
      2. Appeals must be made through the Transportation Services portal. If unable to submit an appeal through the Transportation Services portal, a written statement may be submitted by emailing No appeals can be made verbally in-person, over the phone, or through Microsoft Teams.
      3. Once an appeal has been decided, customers may submit a second-level appeal through emailing with the citation number and reasoning for the second-level appeal. Second-level appeals must be submitted within ten (10) days of when the judgment for the original appeal was issued. Second-level appeals are answered within ten (10) days of submission. All decisions are final.
    4. Penalties
      1. Vehicles parked illegally are subject to tow-away at the owner’s expense. Unauthorized vehicles parked in excess of 24 hours are subject to tow-away at owner’s expense.
      2. Failure to promptly pay or appeal parking citations can result in suspension of the violating motor vehicle’s registration by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Owners of the vehicle will also be unable to register additional vehicles with the Department of Transportation. After such action, you are subject to additional fines and penalties.
      3. Any vehicle with over $150 in unpaid fees which are over 30 days is subject to be towed from campus lots at owner’s expense. Any customer is eligible to be towed if they meet these criteria, regardless of whether they are parked legally at the time of towing.
      4. Students with unpaid parking and citation balances may have their class registration suspended. Access to register for classes is granted when the balance is paid in full.
      5. Citations may be sent to collections agencies if not paid promptly.
      6. Transportation Services has the right to apply additional fines and penalties not listed above, such as late fees.
  6. UWM Work Vehicle and Contractor Parking
    1. University affiliates, commercial businesses, and private organizations who are conducting official university business are required to have a work vehicle permit or contractor/K Permit. Acceptable uses of service/vendor permits include attending meetings or trainings; conducting business in different areas on the UW-Madison campus; or delivering items across campus. Vendors who need to park on campus only occasionally should park in the visitor garages/ramps.
    2. Customers with work vehicle and contractor permits should park in designated UWM Work Vehicle spaces. If all of the UWM Work Vehicle spaces are full or none are located in a lot, then the customer should park in spaces with yellow “Payment or Validation Required” signs. If there are no spaces with yellow signs available, then the customer should park in spaces with black “Reserved” signs. Permits do not allow parking in certain spaces, such as Chancellor’s spaces, accessible spaces, spaces reserved for events/guests, or pick-up/drop-off areas (including the Lubar, Union, and Sandburg circle driveways).
    3. UWM work vehicle and contractor permits require the customer to input the vehicle’s license plate.
    4. The permit can be transferred to multiple vehicles and/or drivers as determined by the primary permit holder. Only one vehicle attached to a permit may be on campus at a time.
    5. The primary permit holder must designate a responsible party and point of contact for the UWM work vehicle and contractor permit. The primary permit holder may also act as the responsible part and/or point of contact for the UWM work vehicle and contractor permit.
    6. The primary permit holder is responsible for informing all permit users of the policies contained in this document.
    7. UWM Work vehicle and contractor permits cannot be used for the following: (1) Faculty, staff, and students in lieu of purchasing an annual parking permit for their personal vehicle, (2) Faculty and staff to park closer to their office than their base lot assignment, or (3) any purpose other than work-related business.
    8. UWM Work vehicle and contractor permits should not be used for personal dining, personal errands, or non-University business purposes.
    9. UWM Work vehicle and contractor permits may only be used to conduct official University business requiring short-term parking for occasional intra-campus travel.
    10. Contractor permits are not to be used for regular and/or long-term parking (such as parking at a second office location.)

Frequently Asked Questions – Parking
Q: I am a new employee. How do I apply for parking?
A: New employees can purchase parking permits online at Employees must have an ePantherID ( and Password to setup payroll deductions. Other options include contactless payment options such as Parkmobile, Passport Parking, and PayByPhone and daily & hourly parking (

Q: I have a new vehicle. What do I have to do with my permit?
A: Your license plate is your permit; thus it is very important that your new plate information is linked to your account ( Information on managing your account is available at

Q: How do I cancel my payroll deductions?
A: In order to cancel your payroll deduction, you need to complete and submit the Payroll Deduction Cancellation Form (, your payroll deduction will be stopped according to the timeframes provided on the cancellation form.

Q: How do I appeal a citation?
A: Citations can be appealed online ( Appeals need to be made within ten days of when the citation was written.