Transit Plus

Transit Plus is a transportation service for individuals with a disabling illness or condition that prevents them from using Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) buses. Rides on Transit Plus cost $4.00 each way (Note: tickets must be purchased in books of ten at a cost of $40.00 per book). Rides must be requested not less than one day before and not more than two weeks in advance of the date of the ride.

Transit Plus is free to students who have a valid UPASS and a DA pass that they must obtain from MCTS.

Transportation Services works with MCTS to administer the program. Please see MCTS’s website for more information.

Who is Eligible?

MCTS must provide a DA Pass after assesing thata person meets the following criteria.

  • A person with a disability who cannot independently board, ride or get off a bus.
  • A person whose disability-related condition or environmental barrier makes it impossible to independently travel to or from a fixed route bus stop.

These are the only criteria used to determine paratransit eligibility. Personal safety, behavioral problems, age, social security status or other issues are not considered in determining eligibility. for more information.

Is it Free?

The fare established by the County for use of this paratransit service will be paid by the County for any Transit Plus trip taken by a student also registered for the U-PASS program. Any trip costing up to the County’s maximum reimbursable amount plus the current Transit Plus fare co-pay will be free to eligible University students. Any fee above this combined total amount will continue to be paid by the user. To obtain the fare waiver, eligible students will be certified by the Milwaukee County Transit Plus Program as eligible each Semester. Students will also be required to show the transportation service provider their U-PASS fare media, a validated University student identification card and a valid Milwaukee County Transit Plus Program identification card.