Departmental Parking Validations

Transportation Services offers several options for departments to validate parking for guests of sponsored events and programs. All vehicles parking on campus must have their parking paid for by themselves or by a department.

Most departmental validations require you set up a validations account that is tied to your designated funding string. You can submit the Parking Department Account Request to create, modify, or delete a validations account. Active validations account are viewable on SharePoint.

Parking Options

Surface/Outdoor Lot Validations: Special Visitor Requests

This does NOT include Lubar, NWQ, Pavilion, and Union garages! See the Amano ONE Validations page.

If a department wants to validate parking on surface lots, you must submit a Special Visitor Request. With a Special Visitor Request, Transportation Services will reserve a space by bagging the adjacent signage in the desired lot, and you will receive a website link, code, and instructions for your guest to validate their vehicle’s plate. Due to limited surface lot parking, reservations through Special Visitor Requests are typically required to guarantee parking. Special Visitor Requests can be done for EMS Garage, Sandburg Garage, the lower level of Kenilworth Garage, any main campus surface lot (barring conflicting events and other university projects).

How Departments Can Submit a Special Visitor Request

  1. Only deans, division heads, directors, department chairpersons or their designated representatives are allowed to request special visitor parking reservations on behalf of their Faculty and Staff. Special visitor/guest permits cannot be provided to anyone who is employed by the University and conducting regular business as part of their defined job duties. Student Association recognized Student organizations can make arrangements through Student Involvement.
  2. Establish an account with the parking department using the Parking Department Account Request Form with Transportation Services for special visitor/guest parking services.
  3. Available permits:
    • For portions of a day
      • Mornings 7:00 AM — 1:30 PM
    • For an entire day
      • 7:00 AM to 11:59 PM
  4. Request a reservation(s) at least 48 hours in advance in writing or by completing the Special Visitor Request Form. Information needed at the time of reservation includes:
    • Date, parking preference, location and time period parking reservation(s) are desired.
    • Name, email, and phone number of departmental contact person along with PK number.

Transportation Services will reserve a parking space in the designated lot. If the lot is unavailable, an alternate may be assigned. The submitter will receive an email once approved with parking instructions that may be forwarded to the guest. Guests will enter a code in the Offstreet website (which are both provided in the email) along with their license plate to validate parking on their requested date.

Guests Validation Instructions

  1. Access the portal at or through your direct link/QR code
  2. Enter your license plate number
  3. Click “Next”
  4. Enter your parking code as provided to the department by Transportation Services.
  5. Click “Park”
  6. A “Parking Registration Successful” page will display when you’ve completed the registration process. You are all set. You can request a receipt by entering your email. The email doesn’t need to be displayed or kept.

Why does Transportation Services need to reserve parking space(s)?

We need to reserve spaces as otherwise we cannot guarantee parking will be available for guest(s). Guests with validations are typically not allowed to park in permit only spaces (with black signs). There is a limited number of non-permit spaces for surface lots, and they are high in demand for most days in the school year.

Why does Transportation Services Need the Guests’s Plate?

We reserve the space by placing out bags. However, we need license plate(s) to verify that the person parked there is the correct individual. Otherwise, unauthorized individuals may park in the space, meaning your guest may have issues finding parking.

How Can I Collect the License Plate(s)?

There are generally two ways for you to collect the license plate:

  • You can forward the approval email to your guest. They can go to the website and follow the steps to validate their plate.
  • You can get the license plate from the guest and enter it on the website following the instructions yourself.

What if I have a guest who is visiting campus multiple times?

If you have recurrent guests, Transportation Services may be able to place the license plate on file. This would eliminate the need to enter the license plate each time. Transportation Services may still require the submission of a Special Visitor Request to reserve the space.

Garage Parking Validations Event Parking

Events in which a department require more than ten (10) parking spaces should contact Randy Kenney to make arrangements. Parking is limited on campus, and working with Transportation Services can ensure that your guests have parking needed near your event. Most events require the submission of a Purchase Request, but it depends on the specifics of the case. For large events, Transportation Services may have designated employees assigned to assist, which may result in additional labor charges (typically at $20 an hour). Transportation Services may be able to provide iPads to help validate license plates or tickets at no charge.

Departmental Permits

Departments can also purchase long term (annual, semester, or monthly) parking permits. Submit a Purchase Request. You should change the Request Type to Permit from Special Visitor. You can use a PK number assigned to your department or enter a funding string.

Contractor Parking Permits-Paid by Department

Contractor parking is available with a “K” permit at outdoor lots at the all-day special visitor rate of $12 a day. Monthly “K” Permits cost $122 each. Submit a Purchase Request. You should change the Request Type to “K Permit” from “Special Visitor”. You can use a PK number assigned to your department or enter a funding string.

With K Permits, you have two options:

  1. You get a code and a link to a website. Your contractor enters the code and vehicle information on the site on arrival.
  2. You enter the contractor’s license plate, so it is preplanned to work on designated day. You would have to email if there are changes after submission.
Contractor Parking Permits-Not Paid by Department

Contractor parking is available with a “K” permit at outdoor lots at the all-day special visitor rate of $12 a day for reserved parking and $8 for non-reserved parking. Monthly “K” Permits cost $122 each. Vendors and contractors can purchase daily and monthly passes through the Parking Portal. You will need to create an account.

Alternatively, you can pay by the hour using contactless payment methods in the following lots:

ParkMobile Lot #Lot NameParkmobile UsePay MachinePublic Parking
59001Library/GarlandYes – After 4 PM/ Anytime WeekendsYes – After 4 PM/ Anytime WeekendsYes – After 4 PM/ Anytime Weekends
59006SciencesYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59007SARUP/ EngelmannYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59008Chapman/EnderisYes – After 4 PM/ Anytime WeekendsYes – After 4 PM/ Anytime WeekendsYes – After 4 PM/ Anytime Weekends
59009ZelazoYesYes – After 3 PM/ Anytime WeekendsYes – After 3 PM/ Anytime Weekends
59033Pavilion GarageYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59012Merrill CircleYesNoYes
59018Power PlantYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59020CunninghamYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59023EMS GarageYesYes in Public SpacesNone
59024SandburgYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59026KenilworthYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59033NWQ GarageYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59034NWQ Surface LotYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59035Day CareYesYes in Public SpacesYes
59036Honors CollegeYesYes in Public SpacesYes


Bus Passes

Most students pay for the student pass, or UPASS, through their segregated fees, which are assessed as part of their tuition. However, some students (especially in Summer) may not have their UPASSes active if they are not enrolled in classes. Departments wishing to pay for a student’s bus pass for the semester should submit a Purchase Request: you would change the Request Type to Bus Pass and enter in the information about the student(s).

Vehicle Rentals

Departments can also rent vehicles for department-sponsored travel. Drivers may also be available for an additional fee. Requests must be submitted through our van rental request form. Contact Josh Fleming for more details.