This page contains information on UWM Fleet vehicles. Please direct all questions to:
Josh Fleming
Fleet Manager, Transportation Services
(414) 229-6469
If there is an emergency and Josh cannot be reached, please contact:
Randy Kenney
Parking Operations Assistant Director, Transportation Services
(414) 229-7426
DOA Central Fleet Rates
The Department of Administration’s Central Fleet Rates contains information on the daily and mileage rates that are charged for the lease of UWM’s fleet vehicles. Please note that the phone number for reservations found in the link pertain only to UW-Madison. For reserving a vehicle at UWM, please see the information below under Van Rentals.
Vehicles may be leased from the Department of Administration by completing a vehicle request. Requests must be well-documented and justified in order to be approved by DOA, and the process can take as long as a year from the time of the request until the vehicle is ready to be picked up. For reference and planning purposes only, the following is an obsolete form with the types of questions that the DOA will ask: 2018 Vehicle Justification
Vehicles are eligible for replacement once they have reached 10 years or 110,000 miles before the next vehicle request period. The DOA will notify UWM of which vehicles are eligible to be replaced, and Transportation Services will in turn notify each eligible department, assisting them in the process of getting a replacement or additional vehicles. If a different vehicle type is desired as a replacement, the vehicle justification form is not necessary.
1. Contact the nearest law enforcement agency (call 9-911 for UWM PD or 911 for local police) to report the accident, and they will determine if the accident is reportable. Also, obtain pertinent information from other parties involved. If there is serious bodily injury, contact the Bureau of State Risk Management at 608-267-7395. If it is after hours or on the weekend, call and leave a voice mail message with your name and number where you can be reached.
2. Contact your supervisor, Josh Fleming, and Risk Management to report this accident as soon as possible.
3. Complete a DOA 6496 Vehicle Accident Incident Report on the day of the incident (within 24 hours), which can be found in your glove box and on the DOA web site. However, it is recommended that you complete the form at the accident site to ensure the most accurate information. It is extremely important that the information is correct and all of the blanks are filled in, including the proper signatures.
4. Contact the ARI Call Center at 1-800-CAR-CARE (1-800-227-2273) on the day of the incident (within 24 hours). You’ll need your fleet number or vehicle identification number (VIN), Client number (5C23), and the accident information. Please complete the Incident Report before calling, because during this call, a report will be completed based on the information you provide.
5. Contact your agency’s Risk Management and send the DOA Accident/Incident Report (DOA-6496), a copy of the police report, and any picture you have taken within 48 hours of the incident. Please also send the Incident Report and any pictures you may have taken to Josh Fleming and Risk Management.
If the police do not respond or do not complete a Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Accident report, but there is an injury, vehicle damage of $1000 or more, or $200 or more damage to government owned non-vehicle property, complete the Wisconsin Driver Report of Accident.
Transportation Services has a fleet of 11 Dodge Grand Caravans which seat seven (one driver and six passengers). These are used primarily by Be On the Safe Side, and therefore are only for short-term rentals and are not available after 5 pm. Rental rates are based on the minivan rates found in Central Fleet Rates and are not meant to generate profit, but to offset the expenses of leasing the vehicle. Interested parties can fill out this form to request a vehicle rental. Please email if you have any additional questions.
Rental rates are $32 per day (per vehicle) and $0.32 per mile. Any employee who has been approved by UWM to drive a university vehicle may operate the rentals, or Transportation Services can provide a driver at a rate of $17.33 (to offset the student payroll expenses). In order to become an approved driver or to check an employee’s driver status, please see the Enterprise Fleet Management System for instructions.