
Update on Tutoring and CSI for the remainder of the Spring 2020 Semester

Tutoring and CSI will continue to be offered for students enrolled in the following courses: 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 221, 343, 344, 345, 561, and 584. Tutoring and CSI will now take place online and the schedule has… Read More

Minimizing Coronavirus Exposure and Infection in the Chemistry Building

Update on the Department’s preparations

On behalf of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, I want to let you know what to expect in your Chemistry course in the coming weeks. I assure you that regardless of how the course is delivered (“on-line” or “in-person”),… Read More

First steps towards a PharmD/PhD degree in collaboration with Concordia University School of Pharmacy

An agreement has been reached with Concordia University that will allow PharmD students to continue their education at UWM and receive an additional PhD degree. UWM offers all of the prerequisite coursework necessary for students to apply to professional pharmacy… Read More

Distinguished Professor David Petering receives a $270,000 NIH Award

Distinguished Professor David Petering receives $270,000 for the 5th year of funding of his Science Education Partnership Award Program (SEPA) grant, Empowering Pre-service Teachers and Students With Environmental Health Research. The grant is funded through the National Institutes of Health… Read More

Chemistry Excursion to MilliporeSigma in Sheboygan, WI

On December 17th, a group of graduate students was invited to MilliporeSigma in Sheboygan Wisconsin. We had a great time and were able to see how chemicals are made safely on a large scale. We toured the production building directed… Read More

Commencement Fall 2019

Our department continued to graduate a record number of graduate students this year. Eight students received their PhD degree and were hooded during the commencement ceremony that took place in the UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena on December 15th. From left to… Read More

Emily Lahmayer joins Chemistry

We are happy to announce that Emily Lahmayer has accepted the Undergraduate Coordinator position in Chemistry.  Emily was graduated from UWM in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in Global Studies and was fortunate to study abroad in Japan twice in… Read More

Commencement Spring 2019

We had a great turnout from our Department for the Spring commencement 2019. Seven students received their PhD degree and were hooded during the commencement ceremony that took place in the UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena on May 19th. From left to… Read More

Daniel Knutson and Nicolas Zahn receive pretigous UWM fellowships

Daniel Knutsen was awarded one of the UWM R1 Distinguished Dissertation Fellowship (R1DDF) awards. Daniel is part of the research group of Prof. Cook and his research interest includes the design and synthesis of novel deuterated GABA(A)R-α6 subtype selective ligands… Read More