Note: Not all classes are offered every semester. See the Schedule of Classes to determine if a particular class is currently being offered.
CHEM 501G Introduction to Biochemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
The chemistry of biological systems.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 341(P) or 345(P).
Course Rules: Does not count toward graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
General Syllabus for online course.
CHEM 502G Development of Modern Chemistry
2 cr. Graduate.
Traces the development of chemistry from ancient to modern times.
Prerequisites: jr st; a grade of C or better in Chem 221(P) or 223(P), & Chem 341(P) or 343(P).
Course Rules: Does not count toward graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 511G Inorganic Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to theoretical principles and descriptive chemistry of the elements.
Prerequisites: jr st & grade of C or better in Chem 562(P); or grad st.
Course Rules: Does not count toward graduate degree in Chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 524G Instrumental Analysis
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Chemical equilibria, separations, and theory and practice of instrumental measurements.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 221(P) or 223(P).
Course Rules: Does not count toward a graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 537G Industrial Microbiology and Biochemistry Laboratory
2 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Experiments using industrial fermentation approaches for isolation of biologically-relevant molecules, e.g., antibiotics; analysis of their function and activity using microbiological and biochemical techniques.
Prerequisites: Bio Sci 383(P) & Chem 501(P).
Course Rules: Bio Sci 537 & Chem 537 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Course Rules: Does not count toward graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 543G Bioproduct Regulatory Protocols Laboratory
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Experiments in the production, purification, and characterization of biopharmaceuticals for the treatment of human disease in compliance with ICH and FDA guidelines.
Prerequisites: jr st; Chem/Bio Sci 537(P); Chem 541(P); Chem 501(P).
Course Rules: Does not count toward graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 560G Biophysical Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
General course designed for majors in fields other than chemistry.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 104(P); Math 211(P) or equiv.
Course Rules: Does not count toward a graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 561G Physical Chemistry I
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Primary focus on chemical thermodynamics.
Prerequisites: jr st; grades of C or better in Chem 104(P), Physics 210(P) & 215(P), & Math 233(P); ElecEng 234(R) or Math 234(R).
Course Rules: Does not count toward a graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 562G Physical Chemistry II
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Continuation of Chem 561; course content is largely kinetics, statistical mechanics, and quantum chemistry.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 561(P).
Course Rules: Does not count toward a graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 563G Physical Chemistry Laboratory
1-2 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Prerequisites: jr st & grade of C or better in Chem 221(P) or 223(P) & Chem 561(P).
Course Rules: Carries grad cr for students other than chem students.
Course Rules: Does not count toward graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 582 Advanced Chemistry Laboratory I
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced organic chemistry laboratory course.
Prerequisites: jr st & grade of C or better in Chem 344 and 345.
Course Rules: Does not count toward a graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 584 Advanced Integrated Laboratory II
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
This course comprises four experiments and a “special research project” that are intended to supplement the material covered in the Intermediate Analytical Chemistry and Physical Chemistry II courses (CHEM 524 and CHEM 562, respectively).
Course Rules: Does not count toward a graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 599G Special Projects in Chemistry
3-5 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Directed study or research on subjects selected by the instructor. For further information consult dept chair.
Prerequisites: jr st; cons instr.
Course Rules: May be retaken to 7 cr max. Does not count toward a graduate degree in chemistry.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 601G Biochemistry: Protein Structure and Function
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cellular synthesis of proteins, protein structure/function, enzyme mechanisms.
Prerequisites: jr st; grades of C or better in Chem 345(P), 501(P), & either 560(C) or 562(C).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 602G Biochemistry: Cellular Processes
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Biosynthesis and metabolism of nucleic acids, structure and replication of DNA, control of gene expression, signal transduction.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 501(P) or cons instr.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 603G Introduction to Biochemistry Laboratory
2 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Experiments in biological preparations, colorimetry, chromatography, and radioisotope techniques.
Prerequisites: jr st; grades of C or better in Chem 221(P) or 223(P) & in Chem 501(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 604G Biochemistry: Metabolism
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Glycolysis, photosynthesis, biosynthesis, metabolism.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 501(P) or cons instr.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 611G Physical Inorganic Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Physical and theoretical aspects of inorganic chemistry (spectroscopy, crystallography, kinetic and theoretical methods) are discussed.
Prerequisites: Chem 511(P) or cons instr.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 612G Transition Metal and Organometallic Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced survey of elements, emphasizing transition elements and organometallic species. Main group organometallics and actinides and lanthanides briefly discussed.
Prerequisites: Chem 511(P) or cons instr.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 613G Main Group Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced survey of metallic and non-metallic main group elements.
Prerequisites: jr st & grade of C or better in Chem 511(P); or grad st.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 614G Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Inorganic chemistry for biological systems; metaloproteins; coordination chemistry in enzymes.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 511(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 628G Nuclear and Radiochemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Survey of modern nuclear and radiochemistry; emphasis on the interactions of radiation with matter and application in radiation detection and measurement.
Prerequisites: jr st.; grades of B or better in Chem 524(P), 561(P), 562(P), & 563(P) or equiv; cons instr for undergrads.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Chem 726 w/same topic.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 630G Computational Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Computer modeling techniques for molecular systems.
Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in Chem 562(P) or cons instr.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 640G Advanced Survey of Organic Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Prerequisites: jr st; a grade of C or better in Chem 345(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 647G Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Application of modern instrumental methods to the separation, analysis, and identification of organic compounds.
Prerequisites: jr st, a grade of C or better in Chem 345(P), 346(P), 524(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 661G Intermediate Chemical Thermodynamics
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Laws of thermodynamics equilibria between phases. Introductory statistical thermodynamics. Thermodynamic properties of gases, solids, and solutions.
Prerequisites: sr st, a grade of C or better in Chem 562(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 662G Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Present understanding of reaction kinetics and dynamics. Topics range from experimental methods for kinetics measurements to microscopic theories of reaction rates.
Prerequisites: sr st; grade of C or better in Chem 562(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 690G Scientist Career Transitions
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
This course is designed to better prepare science undergraduates for their transition to employment in science-oriented industrial workplaces. The program would include pre-internship/apprenticeship classroom experiences to develop “translational skills” to increase competence for the workplace and better translate academic learning to initial employment, job success, and career advancement
Prerequisites: none
General Syllabus.
CHEM 701 Topics in Biochemistry
2-4 cr. Graduate.
Prerequisites: grad st; grade of C or better in Chem 501(P) or 601(P).
General syllabus
1. Application of Macromolecular Crystallography
Background of Crystallography
General Syllabus
2. Fluorescence Techniques in Chemistry and Biochemistry
Exploration of advanced fluorescence spectroscopy techniques as they apply to modern studies in chemistry and biochemistry
General syllabus
CHEM 710 Advanced Survey of Inorganic Chemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
Graduate-level treatment of theoretical principles and descriptive chemistry of the elements.
Prerequisites: grad st.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 711 Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
2-4 cr. Graduate.
1. Computational Chemistry II
Continuation of CHEM 630 “Computational Chemistry”
General Syllabus.
CHEM 724 Electrochemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
Survey of modern electrochemical theory and applications to measurement of solution concentrations, rate constants, thermodynamic quantities, transport properties, and adsorption phenomena.
Prerequisites: grad st; grade of C or better in Chem 524(P) or 621(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 726 Topics in Analytical Chemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 740 Advanced Organic Chemistry-Methods in Synthetic Chemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
Discussion of name reactions and other synthetic methods of preparative significance used in organic syntheses. Introduction and modification of functional groups. Recent examples of application from modern organic chemistry.
Prerequisites: grad st; a grade of C or better in Chem 345(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 741 Topics in Organic Chemistry
2-3 cr. Graduate.
1. Classics in Total Synthesis
Survey of total syntheses of natural compounds, protection group strategies, SciFinder
General Syllabus
2. Bioorganic Chemistry
Chemical mechanisms and transformation of biology
General Syllabus
3. Organometallic Chemistry
Synthesis and reaction of organometallic compound, transition metal catalyzed reactions
General Syllabus
4. Nanomaterials
Discussion of advanced material on the nano-scale.
General Syllabus
CHEM 743 Medicinal Chemistry I: Drug Discovery/Lead Optimization & DNA as Drug Targets
3 cr. Graduate.
Major principles of drug discovery; focus on nucleic acids as drug targets.
Prerequisites: grad st.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 744 Medicinal Chemistry II: Pharmacokinetics/Enzymes & Receptors as Drug Targets
3 cr. Graduate.
Principles of drug development; focus on protein drug targets.
Prerequisites: grad st.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 748 Physical Organic Chemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
Application of kinetics and other physical principles to the determination of reaction mechanisms.
Prerequisites: grad st; a grade of C or better in Chem 562(P) & 640(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 762 Topics in Physical Chemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
Laser Spectroscopy
General Syllabus
CHEM 765 Statistical Thermodynamics
3 cr. Graduate.
Fundamental principles of statistical mechanics, with applications to topics of physiochemical interest.
Prerequisites: grad st; grade of C or better in Chem 661(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 767 Basic Quantum Chemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
Basic postulates of quantum mechanics and consequences. Exact solutions for simple systems. Approximation methods for complex systems. Group theory and applications in organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry.
Prerequisites: grad st; a grade of C or better in Chem 562(P), 564(P), & Math 234(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 769 Surface Chemistry II
3 cr. Graduate.
Discussion of kinetic methods of studying reaction mechanisms with particular emphasis on catalytic reactions.
Prerequisites: grad st; grade of C or better in Chem 768(P).
General Syllabus.
CHEM 780 Modern Industrial Organic Chemistry
3 cr. Graduate.
Organic chemical processes-comprehensive emphasis on chemistry, polymers (preparation, properties, application), energy aspects, raw material supplies, impact on nation’s and world’s economics.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 781 Pulsed NMR Spectroscopy Theory and Practice
3 cr. Graduate.
Discussion and hands on practice of modern FT NMR approaches applied to analysis of chemical structure and dynamics in organic, inorganic, and biochemical molecules.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 782 Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Fundamentals and Applications
3 cr. Graduate.
Discussion and hands on practice of modern mass spectrometry, with a focus on liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and LC/tandem MS (LC/MS/MS), as well as ICP-MS.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 798 Scientific Glassblowing
1 cr. Graduate.
Techniques in design and maintenance of scientific glassware including low pressure systems together with consideration of the chemical structure and properties of common glasses.
Prerequisites: grad st.
General Syllabus.
CHEM 912 Graduate Seminar
1 cr. Graduate.
Research problems in chemistry. Weekly papers and reports.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: Required of all candidates for advanced degree.
General Syllabus.