Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
The Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) connects students who are seeking research experiences–even as early as their freshman year–with a faculty-led research project. Students earn credit for their participation, and freshmen and sophomores take part in a weekly seminar about the culture of university research.
OUR Stipends for Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF)
The UWM Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) invites applications for semester, academic year, and summer Support for Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF). Faculty and academic staff can apply for the awards to provide an hourly wage for undergraduate students working as research assistants. Students will be paid as hourly employees.
Scientific Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
The Scientific Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) focuses on supporting students that are underrepresented (see below) in the sciences and engineering. In this program, qualifying students* will receive up to $4,000 to conduct research with a faculty mentor in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
UWM Undergraduate Research Travel Grants
Undergraduate Research Travel Awards are available for students to help offset the costs of traveling to present their research activity at local, national or international conferences. The maximum award for domestic travel is $400, which may go toward airfare, hotel accommodations, meals (within state allowances), and/or conference registration fees. These funds are intended for students who have already been substantially engaged in faculty-directed undergraduate research.
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Program
This program, administered by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, is supported by the Office for Undergraduate Research. This competitive program provides support to allow approximately 8 to 10 undergraduates to have an intensive, summer-long research experience. At the end of the 10-week experience, students present their findings at a poster session attended by the Department.