Contact | F. Holger Försterling |
Website | | | |
Room | CHM B10 |
Phone | (414) 229-5896 |
The UWM Chemistry NMR laboratory of the Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry is located in rooms B48/B10 and currently consists of a
Bruker DPX- 300 MHz and a Bruker Avance III 500 MHz spectrometer.
In addition, an Oxford Pulsar 60 MHz spectrometer is located in the
fourth floor teaching lab. Also several workstations are available for
data processing and analysis.
The facility serves about 50 graduate and undergraduate students from
the departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biological Sciences and
Mechanical Engineering.
The Bruker Avance III HD™ 500 MHz spectrometer was installed in October
2017. The system has a 54 mm bore Bruker Ascend™ superconducting
magnet operating at a field of 11.744 Tesla. The console provides two
all digital RF channels and digital lock, 100W power for 1H/19F, 500W
for X-nuclei and a GRASP II gradient unit for pulsed z-gradients. A
Temperature control unit with BCU II chiller allows variable temperature
operation to -40C. 24 slot SampleCase™ sample changer
The instrument is equipped with a Prodigy™ 5mm X-nuclei optimized Cryo
probe with z-gradients and Automatic Tune and Match (ATM), allowing
observation of 1H/19F, 31P-15N and a temperature range of -40°C –
+80°C. Additionally, a Broadband Smart™ Probe with z-gradient and ATM
is available, allowing observation of ^1 H, ^19 F,^31 P-^109 Ag in a
temperature Range of -150°C – +150°C.
The instrument is currently used for structure determination of natural
products, drug design and biological systems. The instrument provides
the highest sensitivity for a multitude of one- and two-dimensional
experiments (DEPT, APT, COSY, NOESY HSQC, HMBC) and with automatic tune
and match capability is the instrument of choice for heteronuclear NMR
experiments like 19F, 13C, 15N, 31P and 113Cd. The instrument is also
capable of non linear acquisition and carbon-carbon correlation
experiments like ADEQUATE. While the instrument is primarily used for
more advanced experiments and sensitivity limited samples, the sample
changer allows the instrument to be used in automated mode by less
experienced users, for instructional use in teaching labs and for high
throughput analysis.
The 300 Mhz Spectrometer was installed in 1997. The instrument has a
7 Tesla Bruker superconducting magnet. It is equipped with a two RF
channels, proton/19F and X-nucleus (^31 P-^183 W) and a z-gradient
amplifier. It is mainly utilized for walk on routine 1D proton and
carbon experiments. It is also capable of most homo and
heteronuclear gradient supported 2D experiments (COSY, HSQC, HMBC).