UW-Milwaukee Great Lakes Genomics Institute
This institute at the nearby UWM School of Freshwater Sciences offers use of genomic equipment including a Nanodrop, a Bio-Rad Experion automated electrophoresis system, an ABI Real-Time PCR System, a Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer, four Bio-Rad thermocyclers, a Wallace 1420 VICTOR2 Multilabel Plate Reader, and a LabConCo Refrigerated vacuum concentrator system. The institute also offers services like capillary DNA analysis, fragment analysis, and next generation sequencing services for a fee.
UW-Milwaukee Biotechnology Facility
The UW-Milwaukee Biotechnology facility, which is located in the adjacent Biological Sciences building. Relevant resources include microscopes, micro-Array readers, temperature controlled incubator/shakers, a high-speed centrifuge and an ultra-high-speed centrifuges.
UW-Milwaukee Electron Microscope Laboratory
The UW-Milwaukee Electron Microscope facility is also located in the nearby Biological Sciences building. This facility is equipped with Hitachi scanning electron and transmission electron microscopes, a Leica TCS SP2 Confocal microscope, ultramicrotomes, and other equipment for specimen preparation.
Biophysical Microspectroscopy Facility
The Optical Micro-Spectroscopy Imaging Facility located adjacent to the Chemistry Building in the Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex Building, Room 2060. The Facility can be reserved for use, with fees for use based on user class. Please contact Prof. Raicu at vraicu@uwm.edu for questions about the facility and to reserve time.
Clinical and Translational Science Institute
The Clinical and Translational Science Institute is a regional biomedical collaboration involving clinical and translational science between UWM, the Medical College of Wisconsin, Marquette University, the Milwaukee School of Engineering, the Blood Center of Wisconsin, Children’s Hospital, and Froedtert Hospital. The CTSI collaboration advocates, facilitates, and fosters the continuum of research from bench to bedside to community practice. This effort capitalizes on the strong foundation of basic science and community outreach programs within the academic institutions of southeastern Wisconsin. Its goal is to diminish the barriers between disciplines and institutions and to encourage novel approaches to solving complex medical problems by drawing on our complementary expertise. The “Translational Research Resources Office” is the point-of-contact for UWM researchers. Rachel Schiffman (Associate Dean for Research, College of Nursing) is the contact person.
The Great Lakes WATER Institute
The Great Lakes WATER (Wisconsin Aquatic Technology and Environmental Research) Institute is a University of Wisconsin System research facility and is operated by the School of Freshwater Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The mission of the WATER Institute is to provide the State of Wisconsin with a focal point for research, education and outreach aimed at a thorough understanding of the Great Lakes and other aquatic and environmental resources of local, state, national and international importance. To achieve its mission, the WATER Institute promotes a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary, interactive aquatic and environmental research. The Institute also promotes education and outreach through the University and in cooperation with other educational institutions. The WATER Institute is home to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Center for Great Lakes Studies, a UWM and UW System Center for Excellence, the Aquaculture and Fisheries Research Center and the NIEHS Children’s Environmental Health Sciences Core Center.