
Dr. Kristin Murphy wins 2017 Rising Star Award

Professor Murphy has been recognized for her progress in scientific enterprise. She is one of six recipients of the 2017 Rising Star Award presented by the Women Chemistry Committee of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The award is for female… Read More

Winners of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition

Congratulations to Anahit Campbell for 3rd place at the inaugural three minutes thesis (3MT) competition. The title of her presentation was “Kidney Blockage Detection Made Quick, Simple, and Cost-effective.” (Photo: Anahit and Dean Marija Gajdardziska). 3MT originated at the University of Queensland… Read More

Three Faculty from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry receive prestigious RGI grant

Profs Shama Mirza, Mark Dietz and Andrew Pacheco received the internal “Research Growth Initiative” grant provided by the UWM Office of Research. Prof. Dietz will investigate controlled porosity supports for improved extraction chromatographic separations. Prof. Shama Mirza is the Co-PI… Read More

Recognition of Inventors from the department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Research Foundation hosted its annual Partner Reception at the University Club on March 1, 2018. A highlight of the annual event is recognition of inventors on patents that issued during the past year. This year, four… Read More

Commencement Fall 2017

We are proud of Drs. Heather Adams, Shamsul Ahmed, Margaret Guthrie, LanLan Han, Sandra Simone, Theodore Thuening, Jaclyn Trate, and Veera Phani Tiruveedhula, who received their PhD degree during Fall of 2017!

Heli Fan was awarded the Graduate Student Fellowship 2017

Dean Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska presented this year’s Graduate Student Fellowship award to Heli Fan, who is part of the research group of Prof. Peng. The award will enable Heli to focus on her research, which is based on the development of… Read More

Prof. Sosnovsky among the Ernest Spaights Plaza honorees 2017

  On October 11th 2017, Prof. Sosnovsky received the Ernest Spaights Plaza award for his outstanding contribution to UWM. Chancellor Mark Mone presented this award to George Sosnovsky, who is known as one of the most influential faculty that transformed UW-Milwaukee… Read More

The visit from Nobel Laureate Prof. Feringa was a great success!

The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee is proud to have hosted Prof. Ben Feringa on September 29th, 2017. Sponsored by the Department of Chemistry, the Nobel Laureate Dr. Feringa gave a expiring and unforgettable seminar about molecular switches and motors, which… Read More

44th Annual UW System Chemistry Faculties Meeting

The faculty and staff of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry are pleased to be hosting the 44th Annual University of Wisconsin System Chemistry Faculties Meeting on September 29 and 30. Please join us to meet and… Read More