Annual Research Symposium & Awards Day

Our annual Research Symposium and Awards Day ceremony was held on Friday, April 22nd and organized by the Chemistry & Biochemistry Graduate Student Council (Alexander Drena, Victoria Mandella, Michelle Meyer, Sepideh Rezvanian, and Nurul Setu) who did a fantastic job… Read More

14th Annual UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium

Chemistry students will be participating in the Office of Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday, April 29. Please see the article link for the full list of students and the research they are presenting:

Finding new ways to connect: Virtual Meet & Greet for Prospective Graduate Students

The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry held the first ever “Virtual Meet & Greet” for Prospective Graduate Students on April 4th. The virtual event began with a general welcome by Jorg Woehl (Graduate Admissions Subcommittee Chair) and Joe Aldstadt (Department… Read More