This handbook was created to gather in one place all campus-level policies and procedures related to Graduate Assistants at UWM. It’s the most convenient and authoritative record of the rules related to assistantships on campus. It also contains information that new and continuing assistants might find helpful, such as guidance on teaching practices, laboratory conduct and decorum, considerations for international students, and campus resources. It was written collaborative by a group of faculty, staff and—most importantly—Graduate Assistants.
The Handbook is not designed to be read from start to finish. Graduate Assistants will most likely consult different parts at different times, as questions arise. It is organized in sections, each of which is broken down into subtopics that you should be able to identify quickly by scanning the table of contents. If you aren’t sure what you’re looking for, you can search the entire handbook too. Think of the Graduate Assistant Handbook as something like a travel guide for your journey at UWM. You might use it heavily at the outset to make sure you know where you’re going, but you’ll probably consult it along the way only as needed.
Introduction to graduate assistantships at UWM
Section 1
- Introduction: Why and How to Use this Handbook
- Definitions
- Equal Opportunity Policy
- Rights of Assistants
- Eligibility for Assistantships
- Application for Assistantships
- Responsibilities of Assistants
- Responsibilities of Hiring Units
- Consensual Relationships
- Employment Grievances
- Discrimination and Harassment
- Sexual Misconduct and Title IX
- Code of Conduct
- Fraud and Fiscal Misconduct Reporting
- Bullying
- Mandated Reporting
- Family Educational Records Protection Act (FERPA)
- Council of Graduate Schools April 15 Resolution
- Classroom Safety and Emergencies
- Dean of Students Office
Appointments and Benefits
Section 2
- Payroll
- Contractual Period
- Tax Status
- Appointments
- Length of Appointment
- Stipend Rates
- Teaching Assistant Stipend Rates
- Research Assistant Stipend Rates
- Project Assistant Stipend Rates
- Workload
- Minimum and Maximum Appointment Levels
- Tuition Remission
- Enrollment Requirements
- Records of Employment
- Concurrent Appointments
- Fellowships Combined with Assistantships
- Summer Appointments
- Academic Leave of Absence
- Benefits and Health Insurance
- Vacation, Paid Leave and Sick Leave
- Family Medical Leave (FMLA and WFMLA)
- Military Leave
- Jury Duty
- Criminal Background Checks
- Discipline and Dismissal of Assistants
International Assistants
Section 3
- Checklist for New International Assistants
- Appointments of International Students as Graduate Assistants
- English Proficiency for International Teaching Assistants
- I-9 Certification for International Assistants
- Planning for Summer
- Navigating the US Health System
- US Taxes and the Glacier Tax Compliance System
Teaching Assistants
Section 4
- What is a Teaching Assistant?
- Roles and Responsibilities of Teaching Assistants
- Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors
- Grievance Procedures
- Boundaries
- Evaluating Teaching Assistants
- Teaching Assistant Workload
- Teaching Assistant Training and Orientation
- Course Enrollment and Registration
- Students with Accommodations
- Academic Misconduct
- Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- Attire
- Final Exams
- Grading
- “Navigate360” Advising Tool
- Uniform Syllabus Requirements
- Promoting Class Discussion
- Online Teaching and Learning
- Giving Feedback to Students
Research Assistants
Section 5
- What is a Research Assistant?
- Roles and Responsibilities of Research Assistants
- Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors
- Workload of Research Assistants
- Human Subject Research
- Animal Research
- Co-Publication with Supervisors and Advisors
- Intellectual Property
- Funding Continuation and Renewal
- Information and Data Security
- Laboratory Safety and Procedures
Project Assistants
Section 6
- What is a Project Assistant?
- Roles and Responsibilities of Project Assistants
- Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors
- Timeclock and Hours Reporting
- FERPA and Working with Student Records
Student Hourly Employment
Section 7
- What is a Student Hourly Employee?
- Roles and Responsibilities of Student Hourly Employees
- Roles and Responsibilities of Supervisors of Student Hourly Employees
- Timeclock and Hours Reporting
- Professional Expectations
- FERPA and Working with Student Records
Best Practices for Graduate Assistant
Section 8
- Time Management
- Work/Life Balance
- Cultural Awareness and Unconscious Bias
- Managing Conflict
- Disruptive Student Behavior
- Students in Distress
- Writing Letters of Recommendation
- Chain of Command
Campus Resources
Section 9
- Campus Resource Webpages
- Library Resources
- Safety Resources
- Technology, Computer and Digital Resources
- Career Resources
- Teaching Resources
- Resources for Marginalized Students
- Health and Wellness Resources
- Student Organization Resources
- Academic Support Resources
- Writing Services
- Housing Resources
- Academic Calendar Resource
- Food Resources
- Women’s Resources
- Accessibility and Disability Resources
- International Education Resources
- Student Support
- Human Resources