Online Teaching and Learning

UWM’s Center for Online Teaching and Learning has many opportunities for instructors to become more adept at online teaching, including their self-paced Online and Blended Teaching Program. Teaching Assistants teaching online for the first time are strongly encouraged to consult CETL and their program about best practices.

In addition, the educational learning specialist in the School of Education has curated a number of additional resources for students and instructors to have an optimal online learning experience. This TA Guide to Remote Instruction also provides helpful guidance.

For synchronous online courses, instructors should consider including informing students of their rights and responsibilities related to recorded meetings and to maintaining confidentiality in online courses. Below is some sample language:

“I will alert you when we record any of the sessions. These recordings will be available only to other students in the course on Canvas and you will have the right to be informed when recording is starting or stopping and to turn off your camera when we begin recording.”
“To protect privacy and confidentiality of other students in the course, no student is permitted to record the lectures or any class meetings on their own or to take and share screenshots of other people in the course.”

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