Enrollment Requirements

Graduate Assistants employed at 33 percent or more must enroll for and complete at least 6 graduate credits during each spring and fall semester (see exceptions below). The graduate program may require a higher credit minimum. Graduate Assistants with total appointments of less than 33 percent must enroll for at least 3 graduate credits during each spring and fall semester.

Doctoral students who are studying for the preliminary exam may enroll for one credit. This reduced credit load is applicable for one semester only, and the Graduate Assistant must have an approved application for the preliminary exam on file with the Graduate School in order to qualify. If this application is not on file, the Bursar’s Office will remove the student’s tuition remission based on an insufficient credit load.

Those who have achieved dissertator status must enroll each semester for 3 graduate credits of research at the current per-credit dissertator rate.

Courses taken on an audit basis do not count toward the minimum enrollment requirements. Failure to enroll for the required minimum number of graduate credits will result in removal of a tuition remission and the loss of health and other benefits, and may make the student ineligible for another assistantship.

Exceptions to the minimum enrollment requirements must be requested via the Request for Exception form before the beginning of the semester. Note:  If the Graduate Assistant files a late RFE, this could delay appointment, tuition remission, stipend, benefits, and payment. 

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Tuition Remission