
Undergraduate Researcher, Amy Reyes, Testing Novel Breast Cancer Drugs

Amy Reyes, a senior undergraduate chemistry minor, has been conducting novel breast cancer research under the guidance of Dr. Avik Roy of Simmaron Research Institute after being connected via Prof. Leggy Arnold. Amy has been working with Dr. Roy on… Read More

Prof. Arnold among this year’s recognized UWM’s International Advocates

During the second International Advocate Award Ceremony at UWM, Prof Arnold received a Certificate of Recognition from the Center of International Education. The certificate is in recognition of efforts as an outstanding advocate for international students at UWM. Dr. Arnold… Read More

Associate Professor Kristene Surerus awarded Faculty Distinguished University Service Award

More than two dozen people were honored for their many years of service to UW-Milwaukee at the annual Fall Awards ceremony on Oct. 25 at the Zelazo Center, including faculty and staff from the College of Letters & Science. After… Read More

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory Supervisor Frank Holger Foersterling earns Academic Staff Outstanding Performance & Service Awards

More than two dozen people were honored for their many years of service to UW-Milwaukee at the annual Fall Awards ceremony on Oct. 25 at the Zelazo Center, including faculty and staff from the College of Letters & Science. UWM’s… Read More

Distinguished Professor Emeritus David Petering earns Ernest Spaights Plaza Award

More than two dozen people were honored for their many years of service to UW-Milwaukee at the annual Fall Awards ceremony on Oct. 25 at the Zelazo Center, including faculty and staff from the College of Letters & Science. Our… Read More

Professor Tysoe to Edit Newly Launched Journal: RSC Mechanochemistry.

Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Wilfred Tysoe was recently named to the editorial board of the new journal RSC Mechanochemistry.  As the first journal dedicated to the field of mechanochemistry, RSC Mechanochemistry will focus on the publication of innovative research that… Read More

Prof. Xiaohua Peng Receives NIH Grant

We congratulate Prof. Xiaohua Peng on receiving a National Institutes of Health award for $461,998.00. The grant is from the National Cancer Institute to study Novel DNA cross-linking agents and combination strategies for tumor-specific activation. Dr. Peng’s research will be… Read More

Ethan Kowalczky awarded a Shaw Fellowship

Graduate student Ethan Kowalczky was awarded the Shaw Doctoral Fellowship, a renewable fellowship with $8000/year summing up to $32,000 (four years). The Shaw Fellowship is for select doctoral students in a Shaw Scientist discipline – molecular biology, neurobiology, biochemistry or other similar discipline with… Read More

Drs. Peng and Arnold Awarded a Catalyst Grant

Professors Xiaohua Peng and Alexander Arnold were awarded a $60,000 UWM Research Foundation’s Catalyst Grant. The program, supported by the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and Clarios, has awarded a total of $180,000 to promising research and development in areas… Read More

Chem Alum – Wisconsin State Crime Lab’s Milwaukee Office

It’s not quite CSI, but state crime lab is rewarding work for chemistry alum