Data Analysis Certificate Calendar

July 2024 to June 2025


Data Ethics


Feb 10-13

Sept 30-Oct 3

Data Foundations


Jan 27-Feb 23

Sept 23-Oct 20

Microsoft Excel for Analytics


Apr 21-May 7

Dec 5-6

SQL – Introduction


Feb 27-28

Nov 14-15

Storytelling With Data


May 15-16

Oct 17-18


Power BI – Introduction


Apr 7-14

Oct 21-28

Power BI – Modeling Data


Mar 25-Apr 3

Nov 11-20

Python for Data Analysis


Feb 17-Mar 5

Oct 10-11

Python Next Level for Business


Nov 5-21

May 29-30

SQL – Intermediate/Advanced Concepts


Dec 12-13

Using Data for Business Strategy and Decisions


Mar 6-7

Using Predictive Analytics for Business


Apr 8-15

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