SQL – Introduction

Everyone wants to make data-driven decisions, but learning how to access and handle data can seem overwhelming. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a great place to start building your expertise in extracting data and creating actionable insights. Knowledge of SQL is a top skill employers seek in data-related positions.

The course involves lecture, demonstration, hands-on practice and instructor coaching.

This course can be applied to the following certificates:
Business Analysis Certificate
Data Analysis Certificate


Richard Lundell, PhD

Richard Lundell, PhD

Richard Lundell is the senior manager of database engineering at Footlocker, a global retailer of shoes and apparel. Rick has more than 25 years of experience in education, data management, relationship building and leadership. Rick’s career trajectory is unique, but ... read more

Who Should Attend

Anyone seeking to answer questions based on data. No prior experience is required. This course is especially useful for individuals who have been running previously created SQL queries without understanding them.

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

  • Understand database management system terminology and concepts
  • Apply database concepts to gain an understanding of formatting, preparation and maintenance of data
  • Apply database concepts to understand basic SQL queries
  • Analyze existing sample SQL queries
  • Create new SQL queries to answer sample business questions

Course Outline/Topics

  • Relational Databases
  • Select Statement
  • Column Aliases
  • Derived Columns
  • Conditional Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Nulls
  • Where Clause
  • Order by Clause
  • Expressions
  • Inner, Outer, Mixed and Self Joins
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Grouping
  • Having Clause
  • Subqueries
  • Unions
  • Insert, Update and Delete Queries


"Rick did great and made it really clear that questions were wanted and was willing to work through any problems without getting frustrated. He also tried to hit home the importance of the most important concepts."  —  Participant, Spring 2024

"Very knowledgeable, always willing to help answer any questions."  —  William Acuff; Goodwill Industries, Spring 2024

"A lot was covered in these two-day courses. Mr. Richard took time to give examples that helped with staying engaged and absorbing the information"  —  Esther Keza, Spring 2024

"The course was an excellent introduction and overview of SQL. Rick was incredibly knowledgeable and did a great job focusing in on answering questions and showing how to get to an answer for attendees."  —  Participant, Spring 2024

"This was an excellent introduction! Jacob is very positive and good at explaining complex things in a simple way."  —  Participant, March 2022

"This was very interesting and it helped me understand more about how data can be analyzed and retrieved."  —  Participant, March 2022

"OMG, I actually am understanding things I was afraid I wouldn’t. Working in breakout groups after each mini-lecture is great."  —  Participant, February 2021

"I feel like I have learned a lot so far since I started from a very basic level. Good cadence between lecture and then breaking out to learn. The breakout groups have varied which has been interesting. Some groups there are people with more knowledge while others are like me and we can work through it together. I appreciate Jacob popping into the sessions as well. Jacob took into consideration feedback at the beginning today which was also very helpful."  —  Participant, February 2021

"I had a “good” grasp of SQL prior to this class, but definitely not enough to have enrolled in a more advanced course. I have already learned so much more and am feeling more confident in my query building. I enjoy the breakout rooms … and I feel like those enrolled in the class are really benefiting from the material."  —  Participant, February 2021

"I liked the “lecture” lab/exercise format. This was more helpful than a course taken via Microsoft for Power BI. That was pretty much like watching a YouTube video."  —  Participant, February 2021

"The ability to join multiple tables together will be very beneficial for my job and is something I will be able to apply right away."  —  Participant, February 2021

"Great! Thank you for making sure I understood the content! Please keep online classes! It’s so much easier that I don’t have to waste time driving to campus, pay for parking, plan meals. It’s also more cost effective for me because everything I need is at my house."  —  Participant, February 2021

"The entire class has been great so far! I am learning a lot of new concepts which will be very beneficial in my work. I especially like the interactivity."  —  Participant, February 2021

"I feel like I’m gaining a good understanding of the basics of SQL."  —  Participant, February 2021

"It was a very good into to SQL. I learned a lot from the examples. It was very useful to be able to Remote Desktop and actually write queries against a live database."  —  Participant, November 2020

"Perfect amount of time to practice the exercises. The pace of the class was excellent. I was never bored – and I never got behind. I used the slides as we went along … I was super glad I had the hard copy of the book – easier for notes/bookmarking – so maybe recommend people get both. It had a nice forward too – that could have been suggested prereading for anyone who has never touched SQL. Rajani is A+ SUPER GREAT!"  —  Cynthia McPhedran, Participant, November 2020

"Really enjoyed the style Rajani used to guide this course. I had no knowledge of SQL, but feel extremely confident that I will be able to put the new skills to use immediately."  —  Participant, March 2020

"It was a great learning experience."  —  Participant, March 2020

"Very good course for an intro SQL class."  —  Participant, March 2020

"Ms. Madeti was great! I was having trouble grasping the concepts and she was super patient and very helpful."  —  Dawn Boley Standard Process Inc., Participant, March 2020

"Rajani was super patient and helpful and really wanted us to learn the basics and how we can apply them to our everyday work."  —  Daniel Silva, Optum, Participant, March 2020

"The pace was adjusted well to the needs of the class. Textbook and supplemental materials were helpful."  —  Dawn Salzman, CFO, Neuman Pools, Participant, March 2020

"I appreciated the pace of the coursework, real-life examples, and the instructor’s efforts to learn about our jobs and experience to adjust the course accordingly. For example, we had no programmers so we spent a little more time understanding certain aspects of the language and queries. The handouts were quite helpful, especially the tables handout while completing queries. The course length of 3 days is appropriate as we are covering a lot of material and I don’t think it could be properly addressed in a shorter time period."  —  Participant, September 2019

"Liked how the instructor made sure everyone understood current concept before advancing."  —  Xai Lee, Northwestern Mutual, Participant, September 2019

"The material provided is a great resource. Instructor was very helpful, knowledgeable and encouraging. Learned a lot of information that can be useful in the future. Current job is not in a related field to this topic but took for future use and pleased with the outcome of what I have learned."  —  Participant, September 2019

"The instructor made the class! The instructor went above and beyond in explaining course material and assisting students. Course material can be challenging at points but the instructor was always available and knowledgeable to assist student."  —  Participant, September 2019

"Rajani is very knowledgeable and presented the material in an easy-to-follow way, and kept it interesting and kept the class engaged."  —  Participant, September 2019

"Rajani was amazing! She handled the class and the information perfectly and was extremely helpful!"  —  Khizar Jawaid, U.S. Strategic Pricing Analyst, FedEx, 2019

"I wish all my college instructors had been like this!"  —  Janessa Doucette, Research Specialist, Milwaukee Public Schools, 2019

Date: Thu-Fri, Nov 14-15, 2024

Delivery Method: In-person

Time: 8:30am-4:30pm CT

Location: UWM School of Continuing Education

Instructor: Richard Lundell PhD


$845 by Oct 31, 2024
$895 after Oct 31, 2024

CEUs: 1.4

Enrollment Limit: 20

Program Number: 5020-16206

Registration Deadline: Nov 13, 2024

Register Now

Date: Thu-Fri, Feb 27-28, 2025

Delivery Method: Live Online

Time: 8:30am-4:30pm CT

Platform: Zoom

Instructor: Richard Lundell PhD


$845 by Feb 13, 2025
$895 after Feb 13, 2025

CEUs: 1.4

Enrollment Limit: 20

Program Number: 5020-16229

Registration Deadline: Feb 26, 2025

Register Now


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