- sunwall@uwm.edu
- 608-262-4965
- Engelmann Hall B78A
- He / Him
- http://www.lanesunwall.com/
Lane Sunwall
- Teaching, Learning and Technology Consultant, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning
Lane Sunwall is recently arrived from UW - Madison where he served as a learning technology consultant from 2013 - 2018. At Madison, Lane built graduate and faculty training programs, designed online and blended courses, and wrote instructional guides. He also worked one-on-one with faculty to help them create better educational experiences for their students.
As an instructor, Lane has taught courses in history, religious studies, and pedagogy at Madison and in North Dakota. In all of his courses (face-to-face, blended, or online) Lane strives to facilitate active student engagement with course content, create clear learning objectives, and foster a classroom environment that encourages students to engage critically with course material. His course design involves rigorous research, iterative design, and a willingness to embrace failure as a learning opportunity.
At UW - Milwaukee, Lane looks forward to continuing his support of faculty and immerse himself in the classroom. He currently oversees the development of CETL’s online training for teaching assistants, offers one-on-one consultation with faculty, and assists in UWM’s transition to Canvas through direct support and frequent workshops.
Lane is also a historian of modern Britain and contemporary Christianity. His work explores religion and immigration in contemporary UK, the conflicted relationship between faith and ideas of modernity, as well as the development of transnational evangelicalism.