Headshot of Connie Schroeder

Connie Schroeder

  • Senior Consultant for Instructional and Organizational Development, Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning

Connie joined CETL in 2001 and has been involved in higher education since 1984 at both research institutions and liberal arts colleges. Connie provides a variety of programs and services to embed equity and advance student success through our courses. Connie is involved with consultations and collaborations with departments, Schools, Colleges, and units to scale and sustain changes in teaching and learninginitiatives through retreats and presentations at customized workshops on course design, engaging students, High Impact Practices, curriculum mapping, and small group and active learning strategies.

For the campus, Connie provides many CETL face-to-face and self-directed Canvas workshops and one-on-one consultations on course design strategies that embed the Eight High Impact Practice Quality Features through program and course outcomes, assignments, assessments, and active learning and engagement strategies. She oversees the CETL Certificate program series in Course Design, Small Group Learning, and Kob’s Experiential Learning.

As a member of the CETL staff, Connie is actively involved with several institution-wideinitiatives, including Student Success, High Impact Practices, Active Learning Classrooms, and General Education Reform. She has taught UWM courses online, hybrid, or face-to-face graduate courses for both Curriculum and Instruction and Adult Leadership.

Connie is a national consultant and speaker on changes in teaching and learning in higher education, centers for teaching and learning, and faculty leadership in department change and has authored several articles on the Scholarships of Teaching and Learning and change in higher education. Her book, Coming in from the Margins: Faculty Development’s Emerging Organizational Development Role in Institutional Change (2011) highlights the emerging and critical role of centers for teaching and learning as change agents in institutional initiatives. Connie is active in the international organization, Professional and Organizational Development (POD Network), where she has served as Board member and committee chair and received several grants. POD awarded her the Robert Menges Award for Research and Presentation in both 2001 and 2007.