
Bernard Perley publishes important call to action in Anthropology News

Bernard Perley continues to call attention to naturalized racism against American Indians through America’s use of offensive sports mascots and monikers.

Bettina Arnold presented keynote lecture at UISPP Congress event

Bettina Arnold will be giving the keynote lecture at an international conference Être et paraître en Europe. Identité et parures féminines aux âges du Bronze et du Fer in Brussels, Belgium.

Cultural Resource Management program featured in news venues

Patricia Richards, Associate Director of the department’s Cultural Resource Management program, was asked to be on hand when the Guest House of Milwaukee broke ground on an addition.

Graduate student Adrienne Frie wins Wenner-Gren Dissertation Grant

Graduate student Adrienne Frie was awarded a Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant to support her dissertation project in Slovenia.

UWM faculty, graduate students, and staff presented symposium at the Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting

UWM faculty, graduate students, and staff of the UWM Cultural Resource Management presented the symposium “People that no one had use for, had nothing to give to, no place to offer: The Milwaukee County Institution Grounds Poor Farm Cemetery” at the SAA Annual Meeting.

Graduate Ceremony – Spring 2015

Anthropology PhD graduates Lindsay Barone, Katinka Hooyer, Anika Jones, and Seth Schneider, as well as Masters graduate Clare Connelly pose with their advisors after commencement, May 17, 2015.

Chris Hamlin co-authors article in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Adjunct Instructor in Anthropology, Christine Hamlin, PhD, co-author the article “Urban–rural differences in Roman Dorset, England: A bioarchaeological perspective on Roman settlements”. The research was picked by the Daily Mail in the U.K., Archaeology, and the New Scientist.

In the News: Robert J. Jeske

Prof. Robert Jeske was interviewed in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for an article on the Lizard Mounds Park landscape restoration efforts in which he participated.

Graduate students presented with Prof. Robert Jeske at SAA Annual Meeting

Graduate student Katherine Sterner-Miller was senior author on the paper with fellow student Robert Ahlrichs and Prof. Robert Jeske. The paper was presented in an Experimental Archaeology session at the SAA Annual Meeting.

Bill Balco accepts tenure-track position

Bill Balco (PhD 2012), accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Department of History, Anthropology, and Philosophy at the University of North Georgia.