Bettina Arnold is interviewed by WUWM about her research on feasting and fermentation

Bettina Arnold is interviewed by WUWM about her research on feasting and fermentation in connection with the Science and Culture of Fermentation certificate program:

Anthropologists contributing to new series at UWM Planetarium, “Indigenous Voices: Sharing the Wisconsin Sky.”

Associate Professor, Bernie Perley, and graduate student, Monea Warrington, participated in the first of a seven-part series featuring American Indian perspectives of the night sky. The series will take place every Friday from March 23 through May 4, at 7… Read More

Ph.D Dissertator Alexis Jordan Receives Award and Sees Research Presented in New Exhibit

UWM Anthropology Ph.D Dissertator Alexis Jordan is making moves. Recently, Alexis received the Prehistoric Society-SUERC Radiocarbon Award (SUERC stands for Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre). This award will cover the costs of dating two individuals from the Iron Age burial… Read More

Anthropology Colloquium: Professor Bill Green

Friday, March 30 2018 3:30 pm

Gast Farm: The Archaeology of People and Place in the Mississippi River Valley

March 30, 2018, 3:30pm

Professor Bill Green
Department of Anthropology and Logan Museum of Anthropology, Beloit College

Professor Bill Green specializes in North American archaeology, ethnohistory, and ethnology. He currently studies Woodland communities occupied 1000-2000 years ago in the Mississippi River valley.  His research has been funded by the Ho-Chunk Nation Cultural Resources Division, the National Science Foundation, and the National Geographic Society.  The former Director of the Office of the State Archaeologist at the University Iowa, Professor Green teaches and publishes in the areas of environmental archaeology, museum studies, and Native North American cultures.

Recent PhD Lara Ghisleni publishes ground-breaking article in Current Anthropology

Recent PhD Lara Ghisleni has published a ground-breaking article on contingent persistence and identity in Roman Britain in the most recent issue of Current Anthropology. You can read more about her article here!