Anthropology Colloquium Series
Friday, December 2
Sabin Hall G-28
3:30pm–5:00pm, informal reception to follow
“Unruly Collections,” a talk by Professor Christy DeLair, Director of the Pick Museum of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University.
Friday, December 2
Sabin Hall G-28
3:30pm–5:00pm, informal reception to follow
“Unruly Collections,” a talk by Professor Christy DeLair, Director of the Pick Museum of Anthropology, Northern Illinois University.
Anthropology Colloquium Series Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Professor Jerome Camal, Dept of Anthropology, UW-Madison Friday, Oct 21 2022 @ 3:30 pm Sabin Hall G28 (3413 North Downer Avenue, Milwaukee) This talk explores the politics...
Join us for our first Anthropology Colloquium this year! On the Immediacy of Home(land): Heimat politics in Germany by Nitzan Shoshen Nitzan Shoshen is a political anthropologist who studies nationhood, governance and the political uses of affect and emotion. He...
Join us for “Family Truths, Fabrications, and Absences in the Transnational Circulation of Parentless Muslim Children”, a colloquium talk by Katherine E. Hoffman of Northwestern University.
Friday, October 25, 3:30pm
Sabin Hall G-28
Join us for “’He has many needs’: Defining the Sex Offender in Sentencing Hearings”, a colloquium talk by Professor Sameena Mulla of Marquette University.
October 18, 2019, from 12:30-1:30pm
Sabin Hall 394
The Anthropology Student Union will host a student-led student-moderated roundtable discussion with Dr. T. L. Taylor. Dr. Taylor is a qualitative sociologist whose explores the interrelations between culture and technology in online leisure environments. The discussion will focus on the methods and process of designing, conducting, and disseminating an ethnological project on modern culture. Students are encouraged to bring their lunch and any questions they may have for Dr. Taylor.
AIA MKE Sept 29 2019 - Andrew Goldman lecture Helmets from the Sea
The 2019 UWM Archaeological Fields School will host an Open House at Aztalan State Park on Saturday, June 29. Excavation units will be open for viewing, artifacts will be on display, and students and staff will be on hand to lead tours and...
Come join us for the last Wisconsin Archaeological Society lecture of the semester. This month's lecture is, "Destruction or Renewal? Examining the scorched and the sacred: Assessing ritual artifact destruction in Western Great Lakes Paleoindian Contexts" will be presented by...
Join us on Sunday, April 28th at 3:00 PM in Sabin Hall for the Archaeological Institute of America Milwaukee Society lecture series featuring Francois G. Richard, Professor of Anthropology, University of Chicago. Click on the link below for more information!...