Independent Study Form
An Anthropology faculty member must agree to sponsor your Independent Study. The student will complete the Independent Study Form with the faculty member, specifying what the student will do, how it will be graded, and the credit hours.
Graduate Course List
- ANTHRO 302 Anthropology and Popular Culture
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Aspects of popular culture including music, information technology, tourism, and film, video, and museum-spectacles in light of anthropological theory. - Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score of 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Spring 2016, Spring 2015.
- ANTHRO 302G Anthropology and Popular Culture
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Aspects of popular culture including music, information technology, tourism, and film, video, and museum-spectacles in light of anthropological theory. - Prerequisites: jr st; grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score of 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Spring 2016, Spring 2015.
- ANTHRO 304 Violence and Warfare in Prehistory
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological evidence for the origin and maintenance of violence and warfare in prehistory. How archaeological inquiry is affected by current politics, ethics, and morality. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Summer 2020.
- ANTHRO 304G Violence and Warfare in Prehistory
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological evidence for the origin and maintenance of violence and warfare in prehistory. How archaeological inquiry is affected by current politics, ethics, and morality. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Summer 2020.
- ANTHRO 305 The Celtic World
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeology, folklore and literature of the Celtic peoples in the British Isles and on the continent, explored and analyzed from an anthropological and historical perspective. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 305G The Celtic World
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeology, folklore and literature of the Celtic peoples in the British Isles and on the continent, explored and analyzed from an anthropological and historical perspective. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 306 European Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Old World cultural development focusing on prehistoric Europe from the Paleolithic to the Roman period; European developments compared to other parts of the Old World. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 306G European Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Old World cultural development focusing on prehistoric Europe from the Paleolithic to the Roman period; European developments compared to other parts of the Old World. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 307 World Archaeology: Foundations of Civilization
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cultural developments in selected areas of Old and New Worlds; emphasis on origins of plant and animal domestication, sedentary life, and transition to urban civilization. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024.
- ANTHRO 307G World Archaeology: Foundations of Civilization
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cultural developments in selected areas of Old and New Worlds; emphasis on origins of plant and animal domestication, sedentary life, and transition to urban civilization. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024.
- ANTHRO 308 Archaeology of North America
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Main pre-Columbian cultures on the North American continent, north of Mexico. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103 (P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: AIS 308 & Anthro 308 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 308G Archaeology of North America
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Main pre-Columbian cultures on the North American continent, north of Mexico. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103 (P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: AIS 308 & Anthro 308 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 309 Archaeology of Central and South America
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Main pre-Columbian cultures and civilizations of Central and South America, including the Caribbean. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 309G Archaeology of Central and South America
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Main pre-Columbian cultures and civilizations of Central and South America, including the Caribbean. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 310 Archaeology of Middle America
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development and ecological settings of cultures and civilizations in Mexico and Central America from earliest times to the Spanish conquest. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: AIS 310 & Anthro 310 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2015, Spring 2011.
- ANTHRO 310G Archaeology of Middle America
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development and ecological settings of cultures and civilizations in Mexico and Central America from earliest times to the Spanish conquest. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: AIS 310 & Anthro 310 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2015, Spring 2011.
- ANTHRO 311 The World of the Ancient Maya
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development of ancient Maya civilization from its origins to the Spanish Conquest. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: AIS 311 & Anthro 311 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2014.
- ANTHRO 311G The World of the Ancient Maya
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development of ancient Maya civilization from its origins to the Spanish Conquest. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: AIS 311 & Anthro 311 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2014.
- ANTHRO 312 The Past on Tap: The Archaeology of Fermented Beverages
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to the production, distribution and consumption of fermented beverages in the ancient world with a particular emphasis on archaeological evidence. - Prerequisites: none.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 312G The Past on Tap: The Archaeology of Fermented Beverages
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to the production, distribution and consumption of fermented beverages in the ancient world with a particular emphasis on archaeological evidence. - Prerequisites: none.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 313 Archaeology of the American Southwest
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Pre-Hispanic cultures of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2021.
- ANTHRO 313G Archaeology of the American Southwest
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Pre-Hispanic cultures of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2021.
- ANTHRO 314 American Indian Societies and Cultures
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of selected indigenous American cultures including subsistence, sociopolitical organizations, beliefs and Euro-American Indian policy. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Course Rules: AIS 314 & Anthro 314 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2015.
- ANTHRO 314G American Indian Societies and Cultures
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of selected indigenous American cultures including subsistence, sociopolitical organizations, beliefs and Euro-American Indian policy. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Course Rules: AIS 314 & Anthro 314 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2015.
- ANTHRO 320 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of the cultures of Africa, especially south of the Sahara. - Prerequisites: Pereq: jr st; Anthro 102(R); grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Fall 2005, Fall 2003.
- ANTHRO 320G Peoples and Cultures of Africa
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of the cultures of Africa, especially south of the Sahara. - Prerequisites: Pereq: jr st; Anthro 102(R); grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Fall 2005, Fall 2003.
- ANTHRO 322 Europe in Anthropological Perspective
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Key topics in the anthropology of Europe, including nationalism and ritual, gender and politics, borders and immigration, and bureaucracy and citizenship. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2010.
- ANTHRO 322G Europe in Anthropological Perspective
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Key topics in the anthropology of Europe, including nationalism and ritual, gender and politics, borders and immigration, and bureaucracy and citizenship. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2010.
- ANTHRO 325 Japanese Culture and Society
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Japanese culture and society, including marriage and the family, work life, education, rural and urban social organization, gender, ritual and life cycle. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Spring 2014.
- ANTHRO 325G Japanese Culture and Society
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Japanese culture and society, including marriage and the family, work life, education, rural and urban social organization, gender, ritual and life cycle. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Spring 2014.
- ANTHRO 326 Peoples and Cultures of South Asia
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
The subcontinent south of the Himalayas, including India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2013.
- ANTHRO 326G Peoples and Cultures of South Asia
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
The subcontinent south of the Himalayas, including India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2013.
- ANTHRO 328 Comparative Studies of Music, Race, and Gender in Nationalism
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A comparative study of the processes of nation-formation and of the roles played by race, gender, and music in constructing national identities. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R); grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Fall 2010, Fall 2009.
- ANTHRO 328G Comparative Studies of Music, Race, and Gender in Nationalism
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A comparative study of the processes of nation-formation and of the roles played by race, gender, and music in constructing national identities. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R); grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Fall 2010, Fall 2009.
- ANTHRO 335 American Indians of the Southeast
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of Southeastern Indian cultures, including subsistence, sociopolitical organizations, beliefs, and Euro-American relations. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R) & 314(R).
- ANTHRO 335G American Indians of the Southeast
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of Southeastern Indian cultures, including subsistence, sociopolitical organizations, beliefs, and Euro-American relations. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R) & 314(R).
- ANTHRO 340 Cultures of Online Games and Virtual Worlds
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological understandings of online games and virtual worlds including: conceptual foundations, current topics, methodological issues, and first-hand experience. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2023.
- ANTHRO 340G Cultures of Online Games and Virtual Worlds
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological understandings of online games and virtual worlds including: conceptual foundations, current topics, methodological issues, and first-hand experience. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2023.
- ANTHRO 349 Seminar in Ethnography and Cultural Processes
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
How sociocultural processes are confronted and represented through the genre of ethnography; new monographs used to chart innovations in the form. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 349G Seminar in Ethnography and Cultural Processes
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
How sociocultural processes are confronted and represented through the genre of ethnography; new monographs used to chart innovations in the form. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 354 Anthropology, Aesthetics, and Art
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Arts and aesthetics in anthropological perspective; their relation to other aspects of culture, prehistoric and contemporary art, and material culture. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 354G Anthropology, Aesthetics, and Art
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Arts and aesthetics in anthropological perspective; their relation to other aspects of culture, prehistoric and contemporary art, and material culture. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 361 Applications in Linguistic Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced work in linguistic anthropology designed to give students applied skills in cross-linguistic studies. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 105(360)(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2019.
- ANTHRO 361G Applications in Linguistic Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Advanced work in linguistic anthropology designed to give students applied skills in cross-linguistic studies. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 105(360)(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2019.
- ANTHRO 362 System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Role of globalization in the projected extinction of a large number of the world's languages within the next century. - Prerequisites: junior standing; a course in social science; a course in linguistic anthropology; or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: AIS 362, ANTHRO 362, & GLOBAL 362 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020.
- ANTHRO 362G System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Role of globalization in the projected extinction of a large number of the world's languages within the next century. - Prerequisites: junior standing; a course in social science; a course in linguistic anthropology; or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: AIS 362, ANTHRO 362, & GLOBAL 362 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020.
- ANTHRO 380 Anthropological Applications of GIS
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Use of GIS in archaeology, cultural anthropology, and physical anthropology. - Prerequisites: jr st; a course in anthro.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 380G Anthropological Applications of GIS
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Use of GIS in archaeology, cultural anthropology, and physical anthropology. - Prerequisites: jr st; a course in anthro.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 400 Human Sociobiology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Application of the principles of evolutionary theory and behavioral ecology to the social and cultural life of humans and other primates. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(R) or 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2016, Fall 2014.
- ANTHRO 400G Human Sociobiology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Application of the principles of evolutionary theory and behavioral ecology to the social and cultural life of humans and other primates. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(R) or 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2016, Fall 2014.
- ANTHRO 401 Primate Populations
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Ecological behavioral genetic and multidisciplinary field studies of nonhuman primates. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(P) or cons instr; grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score of 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 401G Primate Populations
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Ecological behavioral genetic and multidisciplinary field studies of nonhuman primates. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(P) or cons instr; grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score of 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 402 Primate Evolution
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Evolution, adaptation, and distribution of living primates, including humans, comparative primate adaptations and skeletal anatomy. Evolutionary theory and its application to the primate fossil record. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(P) or cons instr.
- General Education Requirements: NS
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 402G Primate Evolution
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Evolution, adaptation, and distribution of living primates, including humans, comparative primate adaptations and skeletal anatomy. Evolutionary theory and its application to the primate fossil record. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(P) or cons instr.
- General Education Requirements: NS
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 403 The Human Skeleton
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Morphological and functional examination of the skeletal system. Microscopic and biomedical considerations of bone and cartilage, age, sex, and regional differences among modern human populations. Combined lec/lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(P) or cons instr.
- General Education Requirements: NS
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 403G The Human Skeleton
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Morphological and functional examination of the skeletal system. Microscopic and biomedical considerations of bone and cartilage, age, sex, and regional differences among modern human populations. Combined lec/lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(P) or cons instr.
- General Education Requirements: NS
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 404 Human Biological Variation
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Evolutionary principles influencing human populations. Variation within and between human groups. - Prerequisites: jr st; ANTHRO 301(P) or consent of instructor; satisfaction of OWC-A.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2012.
- ANTHRO 404G Human Biological Variation
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Evolutionary principles influencing human populations. Variation within and between human groups. - Prerequisites: jr st; ANTHRO 301(P) or consent of instructor; satisfaction of OWC-A.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2012.
- ANTHRO 405 Forensic Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Techniques in the forensic analysis of human skeletal material. Introduction to death investigation and forensic pathology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 403(P).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 405G Forensic Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Techniques in the forensic analysis of human skeletal material. Introduction to death investigation and forensic pathology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 403(P).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 406 Evolutionary Biology & Human Diseases
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Evolutionary principles applied to our understanding of infectious and chronic diseases common to human populations, both past and present. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(R), Bio Sci 100(R) or 150(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2019.
- ANTHRO 406G Evolutionary Biology & Human Diseases
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Evolutionary principles applied to our understanding of infectious and chronic diseases common to human populations, both past and present. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 301(R), Bio Sci 100(R) or 150(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2019.
- ANTHRO 407 Neuroanthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological theories of human brain evolution, and its role in complex human cultural traits, including sociality, language, tool manufacture, cogntion, and emotion. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(P) or Bio Sci 150(P).
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 with same topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 407G Neuroanthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological theories of human brain evolution, and its role in complex human cultural traits, including sociality, language, tool manufacture, cogntion, and emotion. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(P) or Bio Sci 150(P).
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 with same topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 408 Hormones and Behavior
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Roles of hormones in evolution and expression of animal behaviors, particularly aggression, stress, mating, parenting, and cognition; emphasis on humans. - Prerequisites: jr st; intro course in physical anthro, bio sci, or psych.
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2019, Spring 2017.
- ANTHRO 408G Hormones and Behavior
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Roles of hormones in evolution and expression of animal behaviors, particularly aggression, stress, mating, parenting, and cognition; emphasis on humans. - Prerequisites: jr st; intro course in physical anthro, bio sci, or psych.
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2019, Spring 2017.
- ANTHRO 409 Evolution, Religion, and Human Biology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Nature and evolutionary origins of human religion as well as empirical evidence for the effects of religion on human health. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(P) or an intro bio sci course.
- Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2016.
- ANTHRO 409G Evolution, Religion, and Human Biology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Nature and evolutionary origins of human religion as well as empirical evidence for the effects of religion on human health. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(P) or an intro bio sci course.
- Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2016.
- ANTHRO 420 Power and Ideology in Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Nature of and relationship between power and ideology in past societies; theoretical perspectives and methods used by archaeologists to study power and ideology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of Anthro 641 w/similar title.
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2012.
- ANTHRO 420G Power and Ideology in Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Nature of and relationship between power and ideology in past societies; theoretical perspectives and methods used by archaeologists to study power and ideology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of Anthro 641 w/similar title.
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2012.
- ANTHRO 421 Cities in the Ancient World
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cross-cultural comparison of the world's first cities; the emergence of cities and their role in the development of ancient civilizations. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2013, Spring 2012.
- ANTHRO 421G Cities in the Ancient World
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cross-cultural comparison of the world's first cities; the emergence of cities and their role in the development of ancient civilizations. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2013, Spring 2012.
- ANTHRO 424 Ethnoarchaeology and Experimental Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Combination of ethnographic and experimental methods with archaeological research questions to achieve a better understanding of material culture. - Prerequisites: junior standing, ANTHRO 102(P) or ANTHRO 103(P), and satisfaction of OWC-A; or consent of instructor.
- General Education Requirements: OWCB
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of ANTHRO 641 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 424G Ethnoarchaeology and Experimental Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Combination of ethnographic and experimental methods with archaeological research questions to achieve a better understanding of material culture. - Prerequisites: junior standing, ANTHRO 102(P) or ANTHRO 103(P), and satisfaction of OWC-A; or consent of instructor.
- General Education Requirements: OWCB
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of ANTHRO 641 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 425 Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways: Past and Present
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cross-cultural comparisons of hunter-gatherer societies, including archaeological, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic approaches. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(P) or 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Spring 2016.
- ANTHRO 425G Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways: Past and Present
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cross-cultural comparisons of hunter-gatherer societies, including archaeological, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic approaches. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(P) or 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Spring 2016.
- ANTHRO 426 Who Owns the Past?
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Social/political ramifications of the study, interpretation, presentation, conservation of the archaeological past; institutions/stakeholders involved in those processes: museums, scholars, ethnic groups, the public. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(P) or 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of Anthro 641 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 426G Who Owns the Past?
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Social/political ramifications of the study, interpretation, presentation, conservation of the archaeological past; institutions/stakeholders involved in those processes: museums, scholars, ethnic groups, the public. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(P) or 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of Anthro 641 w/same topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 431 Cities and Culture
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cross-cultural analysis; relation of urban space to community, capitalism, migration, class, globalization, social and artistic movements; methods for ethnographic study. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2019, Fall 2014.
- ANTHRO 431G Cities and Culture
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Cross-cultural analysis; relation of urban space to community, capitalism, migration, class, globalization, social and artistic movements; methods for ethnographic study. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2019, Fall 2014.
- ANTHRO 439 Culture and Global Health
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Contemporary global health through the lens of cultural anthropology and related social sciences; local communities' response to globally-directed intervention into disease. - Prerequisites: junior standing.
- Course Rules: ANTHRO 439 & GLOBAL 439 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 439G Culture and Global Health
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Contemporary global health through the lens of cultural anthropology and related social sciences; local communities' response to globally-directed intervention into disease. - Prerequisites: junior standing.
- Course Rules: ANTHRO 439 & GLOBAL 439 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 440 Medical Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Comparative study of medical systems; cultural meaning of illness and the healing process; social origins of disease. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(P); grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score of 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 440G Medical Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Comparative study of medical systems; cultural meaning of illness and the healing process; social origins of disease. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(P); grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score of 637 or higher on EPT.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 441 Nature, Knowledge, and Technoscience in Anthropological Perspective
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological approaches to contemporary issues of science in society; critical perspectives on knowledge construction with respect to culture and indigenous traditions, race, class and gender. - Prerequisites: jr. st
- Last Taught: Fall 2014, Fall 2012.
- ANTHRO 441G Nature, Knowledge, and Technoscience in Anthropological Perspective
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological approaches to contemporary issues of science in society; critical perspectives on knowledge construction with respect to culture and indigenous traditions, race, class and gender. - Prerequisites: jr. st
- Last Taught: Fall 2014, Fall 2012.
- ANTHRO 442 Humanitarianism in Global Perspective
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological study of global humanitarianism through specific case studies. Themes include politics of representation, intervention, war, genocide, trauma, child soldiers, and human trafficking. - Prerequisites: junior standing; previous completion of a social science course.
- Course Rules: ANTHRO 442 & GLOBAL 442 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2019, Fall 2015.
- ANTHRO 442G Humanitarianism in Global Perspective
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Anthropological study of global humanitarianism through specific case studies. Themes include politics of representation, intervention, war, genocide, trauma, child soldiers, and human trafficking. - Prerequisites: junior standing; previous completion of a social science course.
- Course Rules: ANTHRO 442 & GLOBAL 442 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2019, Fall 2015.
- ANTHRO 445 Psychological Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
The relationship between individual and society; cultural influences on cognition, personality, identity, and emotion; and the comparative study of mental disorder. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- ANTHRO 445G Psychological Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
The relationship between individual and society; cultural influences on cognition, personality, identity, and emotion; and the comparative study of mental disorder. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- ANTHRO 446 The Child in Different Cultures
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Relationship of child development to particular cultural milieus; methods of child training in different cultures and their effects on the development of adult personality. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R) or Psych 101(R) or Sociol 101(R).
- General Education Requirements: SS
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 446G The Child in Different Cultures
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Relationship of child development to particular cultural milieus; methods of child training in different cultures and their effects on the development of adult personality. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R) or Psych 101(R) or Sociol 101(R).
- General Education Requirements: SS
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 447 The Global Politics of Human Rights
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical and theoretical context of human rights discourse; anthropology of human rights; case studies of efforts to protect human rights in particular social settings. - Prerequisites: junior standing; ANTHRO 102(R).
- Course Rules: ANTHRO 447 & GLOBAL 447 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020.
- ANTHRO 447G The Global Politics of Human Rights
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical and theoretical context of human rights discourse; anthropology of human rights; case studies of efforts to protect human rights in particular social settings. - Prerequisites: junior standing; ANTHRO 102(R).
- Course Rules: ANTHRO 447 & GLOBAL 447 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020.
- ANTHRO 448 Cultural and Human Ecology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Relationships of human societies to natural environments; energy systems involved in processes of human adaptation; ways in which culture and society operate as dynamic components of that exchange. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2019.
- ANTHRO 448G Cultural and Human Ecology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Relationships of human societies to natural environments; energy systems involved in processes of human adaptation; ways in which culture and society operate as dynamic components of that exchange. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2019.
- ANTHRO 449 The Human Economy
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Uses and allocation of resources; modes of production and distribution and their relationship to kinship, politics, and other aspects of culture. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2018.
- ANTHRO 449G The Human Economy
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Uses and allocation of resources; modes of production and distribution and their relationship to kinship, politics, and other aspects of culture. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2018.
- ANTHRO 450 Political Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Political organization: forms of authority, responsibility, accountability, and power in societies at different levels of social complexity and in different ecological contexts. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 450G Political Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Political organization: forms of authority, responsibility, accountability, and power in societies at different levels of social complexity and in different ecological contexts. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 460 Anthropological Theory
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Critical examination of the development and current status of the major paradigms and theories employed in anthropological studies. - Prerequisites: sr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 460G Anthropological Theory
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Critical examination of the development and current status of the major paradigms and theories employed in anthropological studies. - Prerequisites: sr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 465 Historic Preservation in Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historic preservation and cultural resource management in American archaeology; the legislative base, federal and state programs, the national register, regional planning, and research orientations. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 465G Historic Preservation in Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historic preservation and cultural resource management in American archaeology; the legislative base, federal and state programs, the national register, regional planning, and research orientations. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 466 Historical Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Development of the historical archaeology discipline; issues of method and theory; use of documentary, oral, and material culture evidence to interpret the recent past.Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 with same topic. Prereq: jr st; Anthro 103 (P) or cons instr. - Prerequisites: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 466G Historical Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Development of the historical archaeology discipline; issues of method and theory; use of documentary, oral, and material culture evidence to interpret the recent past.Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 with same topic. Prereq: jr st; Anthro 103 (P) or cons instr. - Prerequisites: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 467 Archaeological Curation: A Practicum in the Care of Research Collections
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Practicum in archaeological curation focusing on conservation and preservation, pest management, storage, collection accessibility, accountability, curation policies, federal regulations, and ethics. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr; or grad st.
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 w/similar topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 467G Archaeological Curation: A Practicum in the Care of Research Collections
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Practicum in archaeological curation focusing on conservation and preservation, pest management, storage, collection accessibility, accountability, curation policies, federal regulations, and ethics. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr; or grad st.
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 w/similar topic.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 501 Archaeology of Death
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological study of mortuary behavior and osteology to understand cultural variability in social organization, disease, nutrition, and violence. - Prerequisites: junior standing, ANTHRO 103(P), and ANTHRO 403(P); or consent of instructor.
- Last Taught: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 501G Archaeology of Death
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological study of mortuary behavior and osteology to understand cultural variability in social organization, disease, nutrition, and violence. - Prerequisites: junior standing, ANTHRO 103(P), and ANTHRO 403(P); or consent of instructor.
- Last Taught: Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 502 Lithic Analysis: Stone Tools and Human Behavior
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Stone tool producion use, and archaeological analysis; experimental knapping, heat treatment, and other exercises. No cr for student w/cr in Anthro 641 w/similar topic. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 502G Lithic Analysis: Stone Tools and Human Behavior
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Stone tool producion use, and archaeological analysis; experimental knapping, heat treatment, and other exercises. No cr for student w/cr in Anthro 641 w/similar topic. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 525 Zooarchaeology: Analysis of Faunal Remains
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Theory and method, including practical labs, in the analysis of animal remains from archaeological contexts. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 525G Zooarchaeology: Analysis of Faunal Remains
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Theory and method, including practical labs, in the analysis of animal remains from archaeological contexts. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 530 Paleoethnobotany: Introduction & Lab Methods
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to the field of paleoethnobotany and hands-on lab methods for the analysis of archaeological plant remains. - Prerequisites: junior standing; ANTHRO 103 or consent of instructor; or graduate standing.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- ANTHRO 530G Paleoethnobotany: Introduction & Lab Methods
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to the field of paleoethnobotany and hands-on lab methods for the analysis of archaeological plant remains. - Prerequisites: junior standing; ANTHRO 103 or consent of instructor; or graduate standing.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- ANTHRO 535 Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological approaches to ceramic analysis including theory and methods; ethnoarchaeological, experimental, compositional, and stylistic approaches; practical skills including sorting, typing, and reporting ceramic assemblages. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 with similar topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 535G Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological approaches to ceramic analysis including theory and methods; ethnoarchaeological, experimental, compositional, and stylistic approaches; practical skills including sorting, typing, and reporting ceramic assemblages. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Anthro 641 with similar topic.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 540 Applications of Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Uses of anthropological concepts, methods, and findings in human problems resulting from culture change. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: UWinteriM 2012, UWinteriM 2011.
- ANTHRO 540G Applications of Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Uses of anthropological concepts, methods, and findings in human problems resulting from culture change. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: UWinteriM 2012, UWinteriM 2011.
- ANTHRO 543 Cross-Cultural Study of Religion
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Various approaches to the study of religion; religions of selected non-Western societies. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2013.
- ANTHRO 543G Cross-Cultural Study of Religion
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Various approaches to the study of religion; religions of selected non-Western societies. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2013.
- ANTHRO 560 Introduction to Research Methods in Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Problem and research design formulation. How to ask and answer scientific questions using methods and techniques common to all fields of anthropology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 560G Introduction to Research Methods in Anthropology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Problem and research design formulation. How to ask and answer scientific questions using methods and techniques common to all fields of anthropology. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 561 Techniques and Problems in Ethnography
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Methods of fieldwork for cultural anthropologists; design of field studies; techniques for collection and analysis of field data; field projects. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 561G Techniques and Problems in Ethnography
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Methods of fieldwork for cultural anthropologists; design of field studies; techniques for collection and analysis of field data; field projects. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 562 Techniques and Problems in Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Methods of fieldwork in archaeology; strategies of archaeological investigations; introduction to archaeological site mapping Lec, lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- ANTHRO 562G Techniques and Problems in Archaeology
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Methods of fieldwork in archaeology; strategies of archaeological investigations; introduction to archaeological site mapping Lec, lab. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Spring 2023.
- ANTHRO 565 Seminar in Regional Archaeology:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Seminar in archaeology of specific geographic areas. Consult Schedule of Classes for specific semester's content. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 565G Seminar in Regional Archaeology:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Seminar in archaeology of specific geographic areas. Consult Schedule of Classes for specific semester's content. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 566 Archaeological Analysis and Report Preparation:
- 3-6 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Students will organize, describe, analyze, and interpret actual archaeological materials. Each student will assist in writing an archaeological report. Fee assessed according to nature and location of field trips. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 566G Archaeological Analysis and Report Preparation:
- 3-6 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Students will organize, describe, analyze, and interpret actual archaeological materials. Each student will assist in writing an archaeological report. Fee assessed according to nature and location of field trips. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 567 Archaeological Field School
- 3-6 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological methods and techniques under field conditions, at one or more sites. Field work five days a week, evening lectures. Fee assessed according to nature and location of field school. - Prerequisites: jr st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Summer 2023.
- ANTHRO 567G Archaeological Field School
- 3-6 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Archaeological methods and techniques under field conditions, at one or more sites. Field work five days a week, evening lectures. Fee assessed according to nature and location of field school. - Prerequisites: jr st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: May be retaken to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Summer 2023.
- ANTHRO 568 Introduction to Anthropological Statistics
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Statistical models and their basic assumptions; statistical inference in biological and cultural anthropology; probability theory; nonparametric and parametric methods. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(P) or 102(P) or 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 568G Introduction to Anthropological Statistics
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Statistical models and their basic assumptions; statistical inference in biological and cultural anthropology; probability theory; nonparametric and parametric methods. - Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 101(P) or 102(P) or 103(P) or cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 570 Issues in Bilingualism
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of bilingual competence, bilingual community, and second language acquisition from sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and general linguistic standpoints. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Course Rules: Anthro 570 & Linguis 570 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Fall 2017.
- ANTHRO 570G Issues in Bilingualism
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Study of bilingual competence, bilingual community, and second language acquisition from sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and general linguistic standpoints. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Course Rules: Anthro 570 & Linguis 570 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Fall 2018, Fall 2017.
- ANTHRO 620 Museum Fundamentals
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Fundamentals of museum management, including administration and leadership, programming and exhibits, and collections management. - Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 620G Museum Fundamentals
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Fundamentals of museum management, including administration and leadership, programming and exhibits, and collections management. - Prerequisites: consent of instructor.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 621 Internship in Museum Studies
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Supervised practical experience in museums arranged on an individual basis. - Prerequisites: junior standing and ANTHRO 620(P) or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: Retakeable to 6 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 621G Internship in Museum Studies
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Supervised practical experience in museums arranged on an individual basis. - Prerequisites: junior standing and ANTHRO 620(P) or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: Retakeable to 6 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.
- ANTHRO 641 Seminar in Anthropology:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A research seminar in any of the several recognized areas of anthropology. - Prerequisites: junior standing and ANTHRO 101(P), ANTHRO 102(P), or ANTHRO 103(P); or graduate standing.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 641G Seminar in Anthropology:
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A research seminar in any of the several recognized areas of anthropology. - Prerequisites: junior standing and ANTHRO 101(P), ANTHRO 102(P), or ANTHRO 103(P); or graduate standing.
- Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024.
- ANTHRO 649 Ethnography of Institutions
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Method, practice, and theory of institutional ethnography. Counts as a repeat of Anthro 641 with the same topic. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 649G Ethnography of Institutions
- 3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Method, practice, and theory of institutional ethnography. Counts as a repeat of Anthro 641 with the same topic. - Prerequisites: jr st.
- Last Taught: Spring 2022.
- ANTHRO 705 Advanced Topics in Ethnography:
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Critical examination of peoples and cultures of selected areas of the world. - Prerequisites: grad st.
- Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2018, Summer 2006, Summer 2004.
- ANTHRO 720 History and Theory of Museums
- 2 cr. Graduate.
History of the museum idea and its contemporary forms; educational, scientific, and changing uses of museums; museums and other institutions; museum professionalism and ethics. - Prerequisites: graduate standing and consent of instructor.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 721 Administration and Organization of Museums
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Administration and organizational problems in modern museums; finances and budgets; legal-administrative problems; relations with support groups and volunteers, record keeping, management of museum projects. - Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr; grade of B or better in Anthro 620(P).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 722 Visitor Experience Design in Museums
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Development and design of the museum visitor experience with a holistic approach including exhibitions, programs, and experience design. - Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr; grade B or better in Anthro 721(P).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 723 Museum Collections Management and Curation
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Practicum in the collection, organization, storage, care and scientific use of museum collections. Projects available in various specialties, dependent upon interest and special faculty arrangements. - Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr; grade B or better in Anthro 721(P).
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 724 Internship in Museum Studies
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Supervised practical experience in museums arranged on an individual basis. - Prerequisites: grad st; Anthro 720(P); cons instr.
- Last Taught: Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019.
- ANTHRO 725 Professionalism Capstone in Museum Studies
- 1 cr. Graduate.
Program capstone course, topics include: professional development/networking, resumé/cv and portfolio development, and job search strategies. - Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr; Anthro 722(C).
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 744 Theories of Social Action: Theater, Ritual, Game
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Seminar on theories of social action. Approaching social life as, variously, theater, ritual, performance, and game. - Prerequisites: graduate standing.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2018.
- ANTHRO 756 Human / Animal Entanglements
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Explores what has come to be known as 'the animal turn' and 'the ontological turn' - the increasing scholarly interest in the relationships between humans and other animals cross-culturally. - Prerequisites: graduate standing.
- Last Taught: Fall 2021, Spring 2020.
- ANTHRO 762 Advanced Archaeological Analysis:
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Study and practice in major phases of archaeological analysis. - Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2014, Summer 2011, Spring 2009, Fall 1990.
- ANTHRO 763 Professionalism in Anthropology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Skills needed to work in academia or an applied field; relevant to any of the four sub-fields or anthropology (archaeology, cultural, biological, or linguistic). - Prerequisites: grad st.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 768 Topics in Advanced Research Design in Anthropology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Methods of fitting various models to qualitative categorizations of archaeological, ethnographical, and biological data. Includes chi-square and multiclassificatory chi-squares, scaling, cluster analysis, markov chains, and game theory. - Prerequisites: grad st; Anthro 568(R).
- Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2013, Fall 2010, Spring 2007.
- ANTHRO 797 Study Abroad:
- 1-6 cr. Graduate.
Allows graduate students to enroll in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specifically-prepared program course work. - Prerequisites: graduate standing and acceptance in Study Abroad Program.
- Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic.
- Last Taught: Summer 2016, Summer 2015, Summer 2014, Summer 2009.
- ANTHRO 801 A Survey of Physical Anthropology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Reviews biological principles essential to an understanding of evolution. Reviews fields central to physical anthropology and human evolution: primatology, paleontology, anatomy, human genetics, population genetics. - Prerequisites: grad st.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 802 Perspectives on Prehistory
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Surveys current theoretical and methodological concepts in archaeology, and their application to specific research problems. Readings include studies from both the old and new worlds. - Prerequisites: grad st.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 803 Survey of Cultural Anthropology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
A survey of major theoretical and methodological issues central to cultural anthropology. - Prerequisites: grad st.
- Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
- ANTHRO 804 Linguistic Anthropology
- 3 cr. Graduate.
A survey of major theoretical and methodological issues central to cultural anthropology. - Prerequisites: grad st.
- Last Taught: Fall 2019, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010.
- ANTHRO 840 Digital Anthropology: Code, Architecture, Process
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Introduces students from anthropology and related fields to anthropological approaches to digitally-mediated social action. - Prerequisites: graduate standing.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of ANTHRO 940 with topic 'Anthropology and the Digital.' ANTHRO 840 and DAC 840 are jointly offered and count as repeats of one another.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022.
- ANTHRO 844 Social Theories of Modernity
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Examination of classic works of modern social theory, thereby introducing students, through focused readings and extensive class discussion, to the leading thinkers whose legacy continues to shape the social sciences. - Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
- Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of ANTHRO 705 with the same topic.
- ANTHRO 888 Candidate for Degree
- 0 cr. Graduate.
Available for graduate students who must meet minimum credit load requirement. - Prerequisites: graduate standing.
- Course Rules: Fee for 1 cr assessed; unit does not count towards credit load for Fin Aid. Repeatable. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
- Last Taught: Summer 2021, Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Summer 2019.
- ANTHRO 889 Internship in Anthropology
- 1-6 cr. Graduate.
Application of advanced principles of anthropology in a business, non-profit, healthcare, educational, governmental, or other appropriate setting. Intern's contract specifies duties and duration. - Prerequisites: graduate standing, and written consent of instructor and department chair.
- Course Rules: Retakable to 6 cr max.
- ANTHRO 920 Advanced Seminar in Museological Problems
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Use of museum collections/museums to examine museum work regarding legal considerations, ethics, documentation; use of collections to test theories and develop conceptual exhibits. - Prerequisites: grad st; Anthro 720(P).
- Last Taught: Spring 2017.
- ANTHRO 940 Seminar in Problems in Cultural Anthropology:
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Content varies. - Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
- ANTHRO 942 Seminar in Prehistory and Archaeology:
- 3 cr. Graduate.
- Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020.
- ANTHRO 969 Seminar in Linguistic Anthropology:
- 3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced topics in the anthropological study of language. - Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
- Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
- ANTHRO 990 Research and Thesis
- 1-3 cr. Graduate.
- Prerequisites: grad st; writ cons instr; writ cons dept chair.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023, Spring 2023.
- ANTHRO 999 Advanced Independent Study
- 1-3 cr. Graduate.
- Prerequisites: grad st; writ cons instr.
- Course Rules: Retakable to 6 cr max.
- Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023, Spring 2023.