Grunhagen remembered: Anthropology excavates
By Sarah Vickery, College of Letters & Science
Patricia Richards, an Associate Scientist at UWM and Associate Director of the university’s Cultural Resource Management (UWM-CRM) program was asked to be on hand when the Guest House of Milwaukee broke ground to expand its building into the lot next door. The area was known in the 19th century as the location of Grunhagen’s Cemetery, and when the cemetery association defaulted on its mortgage in 1871, houses and business developed over the cemetery.
What happens next is reported in the L&S In Focus, August 2015 newsletter.
Featured story on UW-Milwaukee homepage “UWM anthropologists excavate forgotten Milwaukee Cemetery”. (September 7, 2015)
A blog associated with Discover magazine also picked up the story “Archaeologists Discover Lost Graves From Milwaukee’s Boom Time”. (September 24, 2015)