UW-Milwaukee Mathematical Sciences Professor Jay Beder, Professor Chao Zhu, and Atmospheric Science Alumnus Chris Nelson were recognized for their accomplishments and works during the month of December.
Dr. Jay Beder, Mathematical Sciences Professor, reported to WISN 12 News in a segment that broadcast across the country that the odds of a single game of Bingo resulting in a record-breaking 290 winners at Potawatomi Casino is roughly one in 1.5 million. View here.
Dr. Chao Zhu, Mathematical Sciences Professor, published a work in collaboration with Fubao Xi titled ” On the martingale problem and Feller and strong Feller properties for weakly coupled Lévy type operators” in Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 128(12): 4277-4308. View the work here.
Chris Nelson, ’13 BS Atmospheric Science, is employed as the morning meteorologist for Milwaukee’s CBS 58 TV station.
*All accomplishments were originally noted in College of Letters & Science In Focus December 2018 Newsletter.