The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee awards both the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees. In addition to the traditional areas within Mathematics and Statistics, our Department is home to UW-Milwaukee’s academic program in Actuarial Science. The department also offers a newly established dual degree in mathematics with Fachhochschule Aachen (Aachen University of Applied Sciences) in Germany.
Candidates for the MS degree may choose the Standard Mathematics Option, the Statistics Option, the Dual Degree option, or one of the following specializations:
- Industrial Mathematics
- Actuarial Science
Note. The Department offers enough late afternoon and evening classes for students to earn an MS by attending part-time while working a day job. We welcome the opportunity to work with high school mathematics teachers who wish to pursue that option.
The Department has a vibrant PhD program. Research specialties available to students include:
- Actuarial Science
- Algebra
- Analysis
- Applied Mathematics
- Differential Equations
- Numerical Analysis
- Probability
- Statistics
- Topology
For more details on the Department’s research groups and the research interests of its faculty members click here.
Applying to the Graduate Program
In order to be considered for admission to the graduate program, candidates must complete the UWM Graduate School online application.
Information about submission of transcripts, GPA requirements, and English proficiency can be found on the Graduate School website. The application will request that you provide your intended course of study and the names and e-mail addresses of three (3) references who have agreed to provide letters of recommendation.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences encourages, but does not currently require submission of general GRE scores. GRE Mathematics subject test scores are appreciated, but also not required.
Prospective students interested in visiting the Department of Mathematical Sciences are encouraged to contact the Associate Chair for the Graduate Program to arrange a visit.
Another way to learn about our graduate program is to browse the following lists of recent graduates:
Exchange Programs
The Department has exchange programs with:
- The Medical College of Wiscoinsin in Biostatistics and with
- University of Ulm in the state of Baden-Württemberg in Southwest Germany
University-Wide Information for Graduate Students
Admission to the UWM graduate program is competitive. Most MS and Ph.D students receive financial support in the form of a teaching assistantship, a research assistanship, or a fellowship. These normally includes a full waiver of tuition and the opportunity to participate in the state healthy insurance plan. Additional information on the Graduate Program in Mathematical Sciences, including admission requirements can be found in the online catalog.
From the UWM Graduate School and the Center for International Education:
Information for Prospective Students
Information for Current Students