MS Graduation Procedures

Steps for MS Graduation Application and MS Thesis/Project Defense/Hearing

Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

(Version of September 2014)

Graduate Program Forms

Before the semester in which you expect to graduate:

  1. Meet with the Associate Chair for Graduate Program to make sure you will meet the course and credit requirements by the end of the semester in which you intend to graduate. If your MS option is one of Actuarial Science, Industrial Mathematics, and Statistics, you should also check the concentration requirement for your option.
    See the Concentration Verification of Completion forms:

    1. Verification – Actuarial Science
    2. Verification – Statistics
  2. If you plan to take the MS Exams for your MS capstone requirement (exit
    requirement), note that our department offers these exams three (3) times
    a year in January, May/June, and August, and plan accordingly.
    Note: You will need to pass two (2) out of these three (3) exams: Algebra
    Exam, Analysis Exam, and Statistics Exam. Our department will send out
    an email notice about the coming MS Exams. You can take these exams
    as many times as time permits, so you may want to take them as early as
  3. If you plan a thesis/project for your MS capstone, it is advised that you find
    an advisor before the semester in which you plan to graduate. Note that
    some MS options (e.g. Industrial Mathematics) require a thesis, and the
    project option requires 36 credits.
  4. Apply for graduation by the posted deadline for the semester in which you intend to graduate.
  5. Information on registration requirements, application deadlines, and the online graduation application link are available here.

During the semester in which you expect to graduate (for those who are completing a thesis/project):

  1. Check the graduate school’s deadlines, enrollment requirement, and
    other policies here, and plan your defense/hearing accordingly.

    Note: If you are completing a thesis, you must follow the graduate school’s deadlines on formatting, defense, and submission. If any of these deadlines are not met, you must re-apply and graduate in the next semester. You will not be required to register for the next semester if your thesis has been defended, passed, and accepted by the Graduate School before the first day of classes for the next semester. The date of graduation, however, will be the next semester. If you are writing a project, you do not need to submit your project to graduate school, and you will just need to pass your project hearing by the end of the semester.
  2. Form your thesis/project committee at least two (2) weeks before your defense/hearing date and get approval from the Associate Chair for Graduate Program. Three (3) graduate faculty members are required. Schedule your defense/hearing with your committee members, and reserve a room for your defense/hearing through the departmental online room request system
    You must include your adviser’s name, defense/hearing title, and an abstract (for our departmental announcement) with your room request. You should schedule your defense/hearing for two (2) hours and make the room reservation accordingly.
  3. Fill in and print the departmental Master Project or Thesis Report Form, and take it to the defense/hearing. This form is for departmental records and will not be submitted to the graduate school.
  4. If your MS capstone is a thesis, you will need to submit the Thesis & Dissertation Approval and Publishing Options Form along with your thesis to graduate school.  See here.
  5. Have your advisor complete and sign a Concentration Verification of Completion form. This form must be submitted with the signed Graduation Application.If you do not graduate when anticipated, you must re-apply to graduate in the next semester. But a second graduation fee is not required.