Yi Ming Zou
ymzou@uwm.eduEng & Math Sciences E452

Yi Ming Zou

Professor Emeritus
Mathematical Sciences - General

Web: Personal Website


  • PhD, Indiana University, 1991
  • MS, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 1982

Research Interests

  • Lie algebras
  • Lie superalgebras
  • Algebraic methods and applications, bioinformatic

Selected Publications

Chen, QL, Wang, , Qiao, , and Zou, Yi M.“Optimizations on Unknown Low Dimensional Structures Given by High Dimensional Data” Soft Computing(2021).
Koszul, Jean-Louis, and Zou, Yi Ming. Introduction to Symplectic GeometrySpringer, Science Press Beijing. 2019.
Chen, Qili, Qiao, Junfei, and Zou, Yi M.A Self-Organizing Recurrent Neural Network Based on Dynamic Analysis7th International Conf. on Comp. Sci., Eng. and Infor. Technology, Vienna. 2017: 53 - 66
Hu, Yanling, Gu, Yinmin, Wang, Huimin, Huang, Yuanjie, and Zou, Yi M.“Integrated network model provides new insights into castration-resistant prostate cancer” Scientific Report5. (2015).
Gu, Yinmin, Lei, Danqing, Qin, Xia, Chen, Panyu, Zou, Yi M., and Hu, Yanling. “Integrated analysis reveals together miR-182, miR-200c and miR-221 can help in the diagnosis of prostate cancer” PLOS ONE10. (2015): 15 pages.
La Corte, Diana T., and Zou, Yi M.Newton's Method Backpropagation for Complex-Valued Holomorphic Multilayer PerceptronsIEEE CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS. 2014: 2854 - 2861
Zou, Yi M.“Boolean networks with multi-expressions and parameters” IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IEEE10.3 (2013): 584-592.
Zou, Yi M.“An Algorithm for Detecting Fixed Points of Boolean Networks” Proceedings of 2013 ICME(2013): 670-673.
Zou, Yi M.“Characterizing Bistable Boolean Networks” ICBBE 2012(2012): 517-520.
Zou, Yi M.“Representing Boolean functions using polynomials: more can offer less” Lecture notes in computer science, Springer-Verlag Berlin HeidelbergIII.6677 Ed. . (2011): 290-296.
Sebert, Florian, and Zou, Yi M.“Factoring pseudoidentity matrix pairs” SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, SIAM43.2 (2011): 565-576.