Mathematics Major Requirements

New Requirements! Effective Fall 2016 the Mathematics Major has been revised. This website details the new requirements. Currently declared majors may switch to these new requirements by emailing their academic advisor or one of our Mathematics Undergraduate Advisors, or they may stick with the major requirements in place at the time of their major declaration.

The Department of Mathematical Sciences offers both the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics. In addition to the requirements for the major, students must also satisfy all of the university general education requirements and the College of Letters & Science breadth and other degree requirements. Degree requirements will vary depending on when you took your first college class, and upon whether you are pursuing the BA or the BS. You are strongly advised to consult your advisor every semester to ensure you stay on track towards a degree. Read more about College of Letters and Science Degree Requirements.

To clarify any requirements, contact one of our  Mathematics Undergraduate Advisors.


The mathematics major has been designed to be flexible so that students could complete their major requirements via courses that match their interests and goals. Many students should find it relatively easy to complete double majors in mathematics and another subject. Most mathematics courses belong in one of the following four groups: applied mathematics, computational mathematics, pure mathematics, and statistics.

A major in mathematical sciences allows students to design, in conjunction with an advisor, a personalized program to fit individual interests and talents.

Mathematics Major Requirements

Preparatory Curriculum

Students in all majors in the Department of Mathematical Sciences must complete MATH 231 (or MATH 213), MATH 232, and MATH 233 (or equivalent). MATH 221 and MATH 222 are equivalent to MATH 231MATH 232, and MATH 233. Students majoring in mathematics must have an average GPA of at least 2.500 in these courses. All majors must take either MATH 234 or MATH 240, as well as a course in computer programming in a modern, high-level language (e.g., COMPSCI 151COMPSCI 202COMPSCI 240, COMPSCI 250, or COMPSCI 251). The department also recommends strongly one year of calculus-based physics.

Capstone Experience

Students in all majors and major options in the Department of Mathematical Sciences must complete a "Capstone Experience." The aim of the department's capstone experience is to encourage independent learning. Students complete a research paper in the context of this course, which satisfies the L&S research requirement. Mathematics majors may choose either MATH 599 or MATH 575. Students must obtain consent of a professor to enroll in MATH 599.


The following courses are required for the Mathematics major:

MATH 341Seminar: Introduction to the Language and Practice of Mathematics3
Select 24 credits in upper-division math courses (those numbered 300 and above, and in curricular areas MATH, MTHSTAT, or ACTSCI). Required among these 24 upper-division math credits are at least six credits in math courses numbered 500 and above, excluding MATH 591, MATH 599, MATH 699, ACTSCI 490, or ACTSCI 599.24
Total Credits27

Additional Requirements

  • Note that MATH 381 is not open for credit in the Mathematics major.
  • Actuarial Science majors wishing to complete Math as a second major must take 9 cr of upper div Math/MthStat courses beyond the major requirements of Actuarial Science.
  • Students completing an AMCS degree who wish to add Mathematics as a second major must take 9 cr of additional upper division Math/MthStat/ActSci courses beyond those used to fulifill the AMCS degree Math/MthStat/ActSci requirements.
  • Students must complete at least 15 upper-division (numbered 300 and above) credits in the major in residence at UWM.
  • The College requires that students attain at least a 2.0 GPA on all credits in the major attempted at UWM. In addition, students must attain a 2.0 GPA on all major credits attempted, including transfer work.


Mathematics courses fall naturally into the following groups (see below for individual courses):

  1. Applied Mathematics
  2. Computational Mathematics
  3. Probability and Statistics
  4. Pure Mathematics

For students planning to pursue graduate studies in mathematics, we recommend students take at least 36 cr upper division mathematics courses, with as many courses as possible from Pure Mathematics, Group 1. Many PhD programs require reading knowledge of French, German, or Russian.

For students planning to pursue graduate studies in statistics or economics, we recommend MATH 523, MATH 524, and as many as possible of MTHSTAT 361, MTHSTAT 362, and MTHSTAT 562-MTHSTAT 568.

For students seeking employment in statistics after the bachelor's degree, we recommend MTHSTAT 361, MTHSTAT 362, and as many as possible of MTHSTAT 562-MTHSTAT 568, as well as courses in computer programming (COMPSCI 250, COMPSCI 251, etc.).

For students seeking general non-academic employment after the bachelor’s degree, we recommend courses from the Probability and Statistics group (including MTHSTAT 362), the Applied Mathematics group (including both modeling and differential equations), the Computational Mathematics group, Linear Algebra (MATH 535), and courses in computer programming (COMPSCI 240, COMPSCI 250, COMPSCI 251, etc.).

For students intending to become high school mathematics teachers, we recommend courses in algebra (MATH 431, MATH 531), geometry (MATH 451), linear algebra (MATH 535), numerical methods (MATH 413), advanced calculus (MATH 523, MATH 524), the math education capstone (MATH 575), and probability and statistics (MTHSTAT 361 & MTHSTAT 362).

For students pursuing a major in mathematics as a liberal art, for general logical and critical thinking skills, we recommend the Pure Mathematics courses.

Mathematics Groups

Applied Mathematics

MATH 305Introduction to Mathematical and Computational Modeling3
MATH 320Introduction to Differential Equations3
MATH 322Introduction to Partial Differential Equations3
MATH 325Vector Analysis3
MATH 405Mathematical Models and Applications3
MATH 431Modern Algebra with Applications3
MATH 603Advanced Engineering Mathematics I3
MATH 604Advanced Engineering Mathematics II3

Computational Mathematics

MATH 313Linear Programming and Optimization3
MATH 315Mathematical Programming and Optimization3
MATH 413Introduction to Numerical Analysis3
MATH 415Introduction to Scientific Computing3
MATH 417Computational Linear Algebra3
MATH 610Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations3
MATH 617Optimization3

Probability and Statistics

MATH 583Introduction to Probability Models3
MTHSTAT 361Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I3
MTHSTAT 362Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II3
MTHSTAT 562Design of Experiments3
MTHSTAT 563Regression Analysis3
MTHSTAT 564Time Series Analysis3
MTHSTAT 565Nonparametric Statistics3
MTHSTAT 566Computational Statistics3
MTHSTAT 568Multivariate Statistical Analysis3

Pure Mathematics

MATH 523Advanced Calculus I3
MATH 524Advanced Calculus II3
MATH 531Modern Algebra3
MATH 535Linear Algebra3
MATH 551Elementary Topology3
MATH 623Introduction to Analysis I3
MATH 624Introduction to Analysis II3
MATH 635Modern Algebra I3
MATH 636Modern Algebra II3
MATH 451Axiomatic Geometry3
MATH 511Symbolic Logic3
MATH 537Number Theory3
MATH 553Differential Geometry3